Science Week/Jealousy

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Stef's Pov

Corbyn woke up at 5:00 am, came into my room and woke me up. I was pissed at him but got over it. I put on my sciencey clothes and go into Corbyn, Jonah and Zach's room. I quietly walk in and kiss Daniel on the cheek. He wakes up and grabs my hand making me come closer to him.

Stef: I'm going with Corbyn all day so I won't see you until later. Okay

Daniel: Okay. I love you and stay safe

Stef: I will and love you too

He kissed me and I left. Corbyn and I went to California science centre. It had everything there but we couldn't see it all today. But it was ok cause we have all week besides Tuesday. Today we went and checked out the solar system section and it was amazing. There was a lot of information but it was interesting. A few hours later and we went to the gift shop. Corbyn wanted to get Kaleidoscope and a plasma ball lamp but he didn't have enough money so I paid for it and said that was gonna be his early birthday present. He kept hugging me never letting go until I said if he didn't then I would take back the gift. We get back to the house and Zach was on a call with someone, Daniel was in his room on YouNow, Jack and Jonah were playing video games. I go to my room and opened up my computer. I had got an email from my maths teacher with practice questions so I can revise as much as I can before my HSE exam. I had to make some graphs and then write an analysis of them. I drew up a graph and put all the boy's names down as my results. The question I wrote was 'what is your go-to sweet?' The answers the could choose from were Oreos, chocolate, nutter butter (I've never had it cause they don't sell them in Australia but I've heard they're really good) and other. I first go to Corbyn who is in his room. He answers nutter butter and I write it down, I ask Daniel the same thing and say hi to the live stream. I then go to Jack and Jonah and ask them but before I left I said

Stef: Guys, who is Zach talking to??

Jonah: Some girl

Jack: Why??

Stef: Cause I need to ask him the same question and I didn't know if he was talking to anyone important

Jack: Ok and we're here if you need it

Stef: Thanks

I then went outside and ask Zach the question.

Stef: Hey Zach can I ask you a question or do you want to answer it later??

Zach: Hey Stef and sure what is it??

Stef: Ok, what is your go-to sweet? Oreos, chocolate, nutter butter or other

Zach: Stef you should know this

Stef: I do but I have to make sure. I can't affect the results

Zach: Results??

Stef: Oh I forgot to tell you, this is practice for my HSC exam I have when I go back

Zach: Ok well as you know Oreos

Stef: Ok cool

Zach: Oh before you leave I want you to meet my friend Mel

Stef: Hi I'm Stefania but you can call me Stef. And it is nice to meet you

Mel: It's nice to meet you too

Stef: Zach do you know what time it is

Zach: Yea it's 4 why??

Stef: Oh shoot. I got to go

Zach: What's wrong

Stef: I forgot to call my mum and I had to finish off my essay for English and I'm never gonna finish it in time

Zach: Calm down it's going to be ok, you will get it done

I quickly get up and go inside, straight to my room. I felt something when he introduced me to Mel, something I've never felt before and I didn't like it. It was jealousy. I call my mum to take my mind off it then went downstairs. I laid next to Daniel and ended up falling asleep.

(About half an hour later)

Stef: No

Stef: No, get away from me

Stef: Don't hurt me. What did I ever do to you??

I then woke up in shock from my dream, tears coming down my cheek with Zach and Daniel staring at me. Zach wipes away the tears and I just hugged him. I wanted to stay in his arms forever but we broke apart. I told them that I was ok and it was a bad dream, but I felt like I was actually there and experiencing it. Zach eventually walked away and Daniel turns to me.

Daniel : I know you still love him. More than me

Stef: What ... How??

Daniel: I can see it. The way you look at him, the way you talk to him

Stef: How long have you known??

Daniel: When we were on our first date. You were thinking about him and I know because he was your first boyfriend and that's where he took you on your first date. I had forgotten about it until we got there

Stef: Daniel, I'm so sorry. I never meant to hurt you in any way

Daniel: It's ok, at least I had a chance with you. If you ever break up with him, you know where to find me. Now go get your man

Stef: Thank you and I'll always love you

I get up and see that Zach is outside. I go up to him and say

Stef: Are you dating anyone??

Zach: No why??

I grab him and passionately kiss him. He hesitated for a bit but then he deepened the kiss.

Stef: Zach, what happened hurt me like hell but I'm still in love with you

Zach: So does that mean you'll put this on and be mine again??

Stef: You kept it??

Zach: Of course I did. It belongs to the love of my life

Stef: Aww and to answer your question, yes I'll be your girlfriend again

I turn around and he puts on the necklace. I then turn back around and Zach picks me up, swings me around.

Stef: Zach I need to tell you something about the dream I had before

Zach: What is it

Stef: The dream wasn't just a nightmare, I felt like it was living it

Zach: Don't worry, I'm here and nothing is going to hurt you

Stef: Ok

We go inside and Jack asked if we can go out tonight and we all said yes. We all got ready and went out for pizza. Zach and I were back to holding hands in public and it felt amazing. On the way there I thought I saw a familiar face but we went pass really quick that I didn't have time to register it in my head. We had dinner and then took photos with the fans that were waiting outside. They knew that Zach and I are together but they didn't know that we had broken up so they started chanting 'kiss, kiss, kiss' over and over. The boys joined in too and we gave in and kissed. Everyone cheered including Daniel. We took a photo with everyone there then went home.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Authors note: (2 September, 2018)

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