Getting A House

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Stef's Pov

It's been 2 weeks and we have come back from our honeymoon and we are still living with the boys. Zach moved into the guest room so we could have privacy. The boys allowed us to stay with them until we find a house which was nice of them to do. Since we had gotten back Zach and Jonah have been going out every day to do some 'errands' but I feel like they are up to something. I've been hanging around Daniel a lot since Jack went back to his family, only to come back yesterday and Corbyn has been with Christina and Alissia. We were all sitting down in the living room and talking, you know the usual. But then came the topic of kids.

Corbyn: So Stef, when do you think your gonna have kids

Daniel: Omg that would be so cute to see a mini Zach & Stef running around. You would be the perfect mother

Stef: No I won't

Jack: Sure you will, you have such talent when it comes to kids. They all love you

Corbyn: Yea ...

Stef: Guys! Can we not talk about me having a baby!!

Daniel: Stef what's wrong? You know you can tell us anything and we won't judge you

Stef: I was going to tell you when Zach was here but I'll tell you now. Remember when Zach and I went back to Sydney??

Boys: Yea

Stef: The reason why we went there was to go to the doctors. My doctor told me I couldn't have a baby without harming or killing myself. I tear went down my face

Daniel: I am so sorry, I know how much you wanted to have a baby

Stef: It's kind of ok cause we can get a surrogate and before you ask 'what is that?' It is a person who carries the baby for you but has no genetic relationship with the baby. They would get my egg and Zach's sperm, form it into a machine and place it inside the surrogate. And I'm sorry for snapping at you guys

Daniel: It's ok

The boys got up and attacked me in hugs. Zach and Jonah came back and decided to join in.

Zach: Why are we hugging exactly??

Stef: I told them what the doctor told me. I'm sorry I didn't wait for you but

Daniel: But we kind of started talking about when you two were going to have kids and it came out

Corbyn: And talking about kids, Stef would it be ok if you looked after Alissia for a few days??

Stef: Sure but why??

Corbyn: I had already made plans on going to see my family and Christina was going to stay here but her manager called her yesterday and told her that she is doing a shoot in New York

Stef: Ok

Corbyn: Here's my key to the house

Stef: Don't worry about it, I already have one

Corbyn: You do??

Stef: Yea, Christina made me one when she was pregnant cause I would always go over and look after her when you couldn't. I guess with the pregnancy going on she forgot to tell you. Well I'm going to pack a bag then go to bed, night boys

Boys: Night Stef

I get up and peck Zach's cheek and head upstairs. I grab a small bag and put some clothes in there. Then I put the finishing touches on my video I will be posting tomorrow and started reading until Zach came to bed. If there is one thing you should know is that I stay awake until Zach comes to bed unless I'm or had a busy day and Zach does the same. I place my book down and cuddle into Zach's chest and drift off to sleep.

*The Next Day*

I get up early, get changed, get my thing, kiss Zach before I head off to Christina and Corbyn's house. I get there and Corbyn is all ready and packed up. Alissia is also awake. Corbyn gave me a hug and told Alissia to be good for me and that he will call around bedtime. She nodded and kissed him and he was off. I went into the kitchen and started making breakfast. After we eat I get a text from Zach

*Text message convo*

Zach: Baby, can you come to the house in 10 minutes. I need to show you something

Stef: Ok but what about Alissia, I'm looking after her and I can't just leave her

Zach: The boys will take care of her and we'll be back for dinner time

Stef: Ok, see you soon

Zach: Bye baby

*End of message convo*

I grab an outfit for Alissia and help her put it on. Then I tell her that we are going to the boy's house and she was happy. 10 minutes later we arrive at the boy's house and Alissia ran up to them giving them a kiss on the cheek and a hug. I told her that uncle Zach had to show me something and she was going to stay with the boys for a few hours and she agreed. Zach and I say goodbye to everyone and get into the car. Zach hands me a blindfold and tells me to put it on which I did. It was a short, quiet ride but I didn't mind it. Once we had arrived, Zach carefully got me out of the car and walked over to where he had the surprise. He told me to take the blindfold off and so I did. When I opened my eyes to see a beautiful, empty house; I was shocked but confused.

Stef: Um Zach

Zach: Yes baby

Stef: What is this??

Zach: This is our new home

Stef: Wait really!!

Zach: Yea. Jonah and I have been going around to look at houses that are close to the boy's and we finally found it

Stef: Omg Zach this is amazingly beautiful, thank you

Zach: Anything to for my baby girl

I smiled and kissed him, then giving him a big hug. He told me we can start moving in by the end of the week and I took multiple photo's. We drive back to the house and the guys scream congratulations and gave us a cake. I thanked them and hugged them before digging into the cake. We watched some movies of Alissia's choice and then had some dinner. If you knew Alissia, you would know that she can't sleep anywhere else but her house unless she is with Corbyn or Christina and me as I'm like her second mother. I could see that she was getting tired so I decided that it was time to leave. I hug the boys and kissed Zach goodbye. I picked up Alissia and drove her home. I lay her on the bed and cuddled up next to her so that she doesn't freak out in the morning. I kiss her on the forehead and fall asleep.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Authors note: (12 September, 2018)

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