Bringing The Baby Home

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Stef's Pov

It has been a week since Jordan was born and today Zach and I were going to bring him home. I have been going with Ali to the gym because she wants to lose all that baby fat which she has mostly burned off.

*At the hospital*

Zach and I arrive at the hospital and we were taken to the baby section. Zach had brought the pram. I had signed all the papers and Jordan was placed in the pram. We walked out and brought him home where Ali, the boys and Christina had set up something but I didn't know what. As we pulled up to the house '8 letters' came on the radio and Jordan started to smile which melted my heart. I snap a photo and post it all over social media. Once the song is over we get out, I get the baby and we head inside; to be greeted with streamers, balloons, cupcakes and a giant banner that says 'Welcome home Jordan Herron' Jordan got shocked by all the noise and started to cry but I quickly calmed him down. Everyone was shocked by how quick it was to calm him down. We ate the cupcakes and Jordan were being passed around. He got real close to Jonah and would start crying if someone else expect if Zach and I held him. We instantly knew that Jonah was going to be the Godfather of this baby. When people started to leave, we asked for Jonah to stay back.

Jonah: You wanted me to stay back??

Zach: Yes, we want to ask you something

Jonah: Ok what is it??

Stef: Jonah, will you be Jordan's Godfather??


We hug and he whispered in my ear saying 'only for you love' I glare at him and he gives me an apologetic look. We organise everything before Jonah left. Jordan would often cry at night and sleep mostly during the day. Which was kind of okay because I did get some sleep. What surprised me sometimes is that Zach would tell me to go back to sleep and he take care of putting Jordan back to sleep.

*The next day*

I was feeding Jordan when Zach comes into the room and ends a call.

Zach: Ok, well be there in about 10 to 20 minutes. bye

*closes phone*

Stef: Hey baby, who was that??

Zach: Uh, yea we need to go to the house. The boys said we have a band meeting and want our wife's/girlfriends to be their

Stef: Ok, I'll just finish up here and meet you in the car. I won't be more than 5 minutes

Zach: Ok I'll get all the stuff for the baby and put it in the car for you

Stef: Thank you baby

Zach comes over with his cheeky grin and kisses me then kisses Jordan on the head before picking up the baby bag and leaving. Jordan finished his bottle and I grab my bag before locking the door and walking to the car. Once we get to the house, Zach takes Jordan out while I grab the bag and get the pram. When the door opened Jordan was attacked by uncle Daniel. Daniel was amazing with Jordan and kids in general and so was his fiancee Angelina. They had announced it a few weeks ago and we were so excited for them. As soon as everyone came we began the meeting.

David: So, you may be wondering why I called this meeting

Everyone: Yea

David: Well, you boys are going back on an international tour

Guys: No way

David: Yea, we leave in 4 months

Zach: For how long??

David: See that's the problem, um you will be on tour for about 5 - 6 months

Zach: Wait I can't be on tour for that long. I just had a baby

Corbyn: Yea and I don't want to leave Christina especially since she is she is pregnant again

David: I'm sorry guys but it's already planned

Stef: Zach, don't worry about me or Jordan. We'll be fine, go have fun on tour with the boys

Christina: Yea Corbyn don't worry about me. I have Stef and all your girlfriends, well besides Daniel cause she's your fiancée

Stef: Yes corbs, we will take great care of Christina and I'm only one call away if you need anything

Corbyn/Zach: Ok fine

*6 months later*

6 months past by fast. Jordan is trying to walk but keeps failing and crying cause he can't do it yet. Jordan and I have become closer, even though he can't talk I feel like we have a connection. A mother son bound if that's what you would call it. The boys have left their girlfriends for tour and I have become great friends with each and every single one of them. Besides Christina, the one I am closest to is Daniel's fiancée Angelina. All 5 of us meet up one day of the week and go shopping, coffee, spa or whatever we want to do. Jonah is still the closest to me in the group but Corbyn is just milliseconds off. Tatum, Angelina and I were at my house when my phone decides to ring. I turn my phone and see that the caller ID is Jonah. I walk out and answer

*facetime  convo*

Stef: Hey Jonah

Jonah: Hey Stef, can I ask you to do me a favour??

Stef: Yea sure what is it??

Jonah: Ok I'm going to propose to Tatum in Paris and I need your help

Stef: Yea sure. Just tell me what you were thinking and then we can come up with some ideas

Jonah: Ok and btw you are the first person I told so please don't tell

Stef: Jonah how long have you known me for??

Jonah: Around 5 or 6 years??

Stef: 6 years and do you know that if someone, especially you, told me a secret that I would never tell another soul unless asked too

Jonah: Yes I do know that

Stef: Then you can trust me to keep this a secret

Tatum: What secret?? *As she walked into the kitchen to find me*

Jonah: Uhh....

Stef: Jonah was going to help me surprise Zach. I was going to fly to one of there shows with Jordan because I know Zach will want to be here for him but can't

Tatum: Aww cute, I love you babe see you soon

Jonah: Love you more

Stef: That was a close one

Jonah: Yea, thanks for quickly making that up

Stef: Sure no problem but now that I think about it, you will need some help over there so why don't I go a day before, get everything ready and leave with her

Jonah: That would be a great idea but you don't have too

Stef: Nonsense I would love to do it

Jonah: Well then it's settled

Stef: Yep, I'll see you soon

Jonah: Bye

Stef: Bye

*end of FaceTime convo*

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Authors note: (14 September, 2018)

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