Kidnapped Part 2

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Zach's Pov

I get a call from a private number so I answered it. No one was talking until I heard something open. Suddenly screams fill my ears. I grab a police officer and put my phone on loudspeaker.

Stef: No

Stef: No, get away from me

Stef: Don't hurt me. What did I ever do to you??

Maggie: You did everything. You ruined my life. And for that, you will pay

The police officer took my phone and connect it with some type of electronic thing. I remember that she said that in her dream. She didn't just have a dream she saw the future. I went over to Jonah and told him. We were about to tell the police officer when he said they might know where Stef is. We packed our things and headed straight to the location. Going full speed ahead we make it to the destination. We arrive at this old apartment. Jonah and I had nothing to defend ourselves with so we were pretty scared but we didn't care at the same time. We were on the phone with the guys to see if anything else happened or any updates. One of the police officers went into the house with Jonah while I went with the other officer to the shed. The shed had a lock on it but luckily there was a hammer so we could break it open. He takes off the chains and opens the door.

Police officer: Jerry I need some help in here

Police officer 2: I'm on my way

The police officer Jerry left and I went in. I saw that someone was laying on the ground so I went up to them. I turned their head and removed their hair from their face. I was shocked to see that it was Stef. She looked so beat up and all full of blood. I told the guys to call for an ambulance and that I had found Stef at the location we went to. I then yelled out Jonah's name to come help me. Jonah was here in an instant. He checked to see if she was breathing and thank goodness she was. Maggie and her accomplice were taken to prison for kidnapping and committing abuse. They waited for the ambulance to come so we weren't by ourselves. The ambulance finally arrived and took Stef on the table cart things (I can't remember what they are called). Jonah went with the police officers as only one could go with Stef. I hop in the van and we take off. They ask me a few questions about her and I answer them. They told me that she has lost a lot of blood but she's ok. They also said that she would wake up in a day or two. I just nod and held Stef's hand not letting go, tears still in my eyes. We get out and I was told to go wait in the waiting area. I messaged the boys what hospital I'm at and they came within 20 minutes.

I start pasting back and forth. It's nearly been an hour and nothing. No news. No update. I was slowly losing my mind.

Corbyn: Zach it's going to be fine, she's in good hands

Zach: I know but it's been so long. What if something happened

Jack: If something was to happen then the doctors would let us know

Doctor: You may go and see her now. But she isn't awake so she will only hear you. If anything changes or if she wakes up please call for me

Zach: Thank you and we will

We all go to the room where Stef is lying there with a drip in her. We all stood next to the bed and talk to Stef. We all stayed with her until visiting hours were over. I asked the doctor if it was ok if I could stay. They said yes and went to get me a chair and blanket. I told the guys and they didn't try fighting me on it cause they knew they would lose. I then went to the seat, put on the blanket, held Stef's hand and told her a story. I eventually end up falling asleep.

*the next day*

The boys arrived back at the hospital with a bag full of my clothes, toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant and my hairbrush. They also brought me some food which I was thankful for as the food here is mostly terrible. I go to the bathroom and change. I put on my deodorant then bushed my teeth and hair. I walk back into the room and ate my food as we all went and talked about our favourite memories together and how much she means to us that we all ended up crying by the end. As I was the last to go. I held her hand and started talking. There was a moment of silence as we all were crying. I felt a little movement in her hands but didn't think anything of it. Then out of nowhere

Stef: Why are you all crying. You should always be happy and positive. Do not let the world ruin your smiles

We all look up to see that Stef had woken up, confused. We attack her with a massive hug. She wiped away our tears telling us that it is all okay. Daniel runs out of the room then comes back in puffed out. The doctor coming from behind. She checks to make sure that Stef is fine then goes to get her some food. The doctor comes back within 5 minutes with food. She places the trey a table then slides it towards Stef.

Doctor: Eat as much as you want. I know the food here isn't the best. And you will be released tomorrow morning

Stef: Oh I got a jelly cup and thank you

We all start laughing at her comment. She starts eating as we told her why she was in the hospital. She didn't remember being hurt which I was great full for. The boys said we had to go because we have to do business but I didn't want to leave. Stef convinced me to go home and to get some sleep; so I went home with the guys.

Stef's Pov

The guys went home and I was at the hospital doing nothing. Luckily they had tv and Wifi. When the doctor came in to take the tray I asked her if I could watch some tv. She said yes and handed me a tv remote so I could change the channel. She then told me that if I need anything to press a button and she will come as soon as she can. I turned the tv on and saw that they were doing playbacks to all the Disney shows (the suite life of Zach and Cody, that's so raven, Wizards of Waverly Place, Hannah Montana, the suite life on deck, ect.) I knew every line in every show. The suite life on deck came on and I start singing the theme song. Once it was over I heard people laughing. I turn my head and see that Zach was standing there recording me.

Stef: Let me see the video

Zach hands me the phone and places a bag on the chair. I start laughing and post it with the caption "my girl ❤️". I hand back his phone and turn my attention back on the tv. Then I feel something warm and soft touch my cheek. I turn to him and smile. I bury my head in his chest slowly falling asleep. The last thing I remember was Zach turning off the tv, kissing me on the forehead and saying goodnight cutie.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Authors note: (3 September, 2018)

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