Just Friends

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Stef's Pov

Jack and I got up at the exact time and I was kind of freaked out. We got up, got dressed and then went downstairs to have some breakfast. While we were eating and going through our social media I get a text from Kyle saying that he can't wait until I get home to tell me something. I told him that I'll call him in 5 minutes because I was still eating. When I finished eating, I put my bowl in the sink and washed it. I tell Jack that I will be outside because I promised Kyle that I would call him once I was done. I went outside and FaceTimed him

*FaceTime conversation*

Stef: Hey Kyle

Kyle: Hey Stefania, I need to tell you something

Stef: Ok what is it??

Kyle: Ok, um. I've wanted to tell you this for a while...

Stef: Kyle please get to the point

Kyle: Ok, I like you Stef. Like more than a friend

Stef: Really??

Kyle: Yea

Stef: Oh, um, I'm sorry Kyle but I have a boyfriend

Kyle: Oh ok then, I guess I should go

Stef: Kyle wait

Kyle: What

Stef: We just became friends again and I don't want to lose you because of this. I don't think I could go through that again

Kyle: Don't worry, we will still be friends

*end of FaceTime*

I go back inside and told Jack what happened and he told me to tell Zach. So I did I messaged him saying

Stef💞: Hey Zach, I need to tell you something but it's not too important so just message me when you're free

I sent it and back a minute later Zach messages me

Zach💖: Hey Stef, I'm free now if you want to talk about it

Stef💞: Ok, so do you remember when I told you about seeing Kyle and how we became friends again??

Zach💖: Yea, why??

Stef💞: Well, he called me a few minutes ago and told me that he liked me more than a friend but I told him that I already had a boyfriend and wanted to just stay friends

Zach💖: Ok, so there is definitely nothing going on between you guys

Stef💞: There is nothing going on between us. I just wanted to tell you, so you know I would never do anything to hurt you

Zach💖: Wait, you called me your boyfriend

Stef💞: Yea, I guess I did

Zach💖: I appreciate you telling me this and now I know that I can 100% trust you with anything and everything. I love you so much Stef and I wish you were here with me

Stef💞: I love you so much that you wouldn't understand. Even if I don't show it half the time. And I wish you were here with me.

*end of text conversation*

Jack and I didn't do anything today because we were still tired of everything we did yesterday. We watched a few movies and then went out for a walk. Jack and I didn't really talk on the way there but once we sat down we told each other our thoughts and gave some advice if we asked for it. We met up with some of Jack's friends and went back to his house. I went upstairs to Isla room because she called me to go up and we played some games. We got called down to dinner and Ava and Sydnie told me and Isla that we were all going shopping tomorrow.

*The next day*

I got woken up by Jack shaking and tackling me awake.

Stef: Jack, I want to sleep

Jack: I need to ask you something and you need to get ready because you are going out with my sisters today

Stef: Fine but it doesn't mean that I forgive you for waking me up

I get up and grab my clothes and went into the bathroom. I got out 10 minutes later and Jack kept asking me random questions. Some of the questions he asked were about how I got to school and what I was going to do once the year was over because I'm graduating this year. He was also writing some of the answers down on his phone, well that's what I think he is doing. I just shrugged it off and just played on my phone until Ava called me down to say we were leaving. We all arrived at the mall and walked around and occasionally went into some shops. The girls made buy some things because they said that i should start wearing more girly things. I do get dressed up sometimes but not all the time because i just want to feel comfortable in what i'm wareing. But besides that, sometimes i want to feel beautiful because i dont feel like i'm good enough. We contine to go into shops and buy more things. We got to this place called Bardot Junior. We went in there because Isla wanted to get a unicorn necklace. Once we brought it, I put it on Isla and then we went home. We got back to the house and i went upstairs to put my stuff away. I put my stuff down then went back downstairs. I went up to Jack who was talking to Isla and her showing Jack her new unicorn necklace. Jack wanted to go to the park and so did Isla. Jack and I grabbed a skateboard and we left with Isla. We get to the park and Isla goes off because she saw some of her friends, while Jack and I rode around with the skateboards. After a bit of riding, we sat down and Isla came up to me crying.

Stef: Isla what happened, are you hurt

Isla: Thoses girls over there took my necklace and said that i wasn't pretty enough to have it then pushed me over

Stef: Shhh, It's ok you're fine. Let me ....

Jack got up and i quckly ran after him

Stef: Jack dont, let me do it because i know how protective you are of you're sister, and you may do something you might reget and can never take back. Just go to you're sister and bring her home. And there will be no if, buts or ands

Jack turns back to Isla and they go home while i'm talking to the girls parents. The parents were nice but didnt make me get the necklace back. Luckly i had some money with me so i found the quickest way back to Bardot Junior and brought the same unicorn necklace and a tira. I got back to the house, making sure that Isla didn't see me. I went up to her room and put the little box with a card that says "You are beautiful enough to ware or be whatever you want, you beautiful unicorn princess. love Stef". I called Isla to her room and when she saw and read the note, she was so happy. Jack came in the room to see if we were ok. I went to bed that night feeling really happy because i made someone else happy.


 Authors note: Hey guys I hope ya'll liked this chapter, make sure to comment your thoughts. Add me on Instagram at whydontwe_779. I hope you all have a good day/night xxx

- Stefania xx

(15 March 2018)

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