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Stef's Pov

*The next day*

We all get up around 9 am. The boys don't have a show today so we are going to be hanging out and maybe meeting Daniel's friends. I tried to get out of bed but Zach kept pulling me back.

Stef: Zach we have to get up

Zach: Whyyyyyyyy

Stef: Because this is your one day off tour so we're going around

Zach: Fine but 5 more minutes

Zach: Pleaseeeeeeee for me

Stef: Fine but only cause you're begging me

Zach: Yay

5 minutes later we both get up and get changed. I change into a black v neck and some white shorts and of course the white vans. Zach changed into a grey t-shirt, black pants and black vans. We went downstairs where Daniel and Jack were talking. Moments later everyone is downstairs and Daniel shouts

Daniel: We're going to the water park!!!!!

Zach, Stef: YAY!!!!!

We all got ready within 10 minutes. We had rented a car because we felt bad. Jonah was driving, Corbyn was in the passenger seat, Daniel and Jack were in the middle seats, Zach and I were in the back. Zach and I were so hyped, we both love the water park more than an amusement park.

*skips the hour-long drive*

Jonah: We're here

Jack: Finally

We get out of the car and grab our belongings. We get in the line to buy our tickets to get through. It didn't take us long to get in but once we did we went straight to the rides. We were in the line for the 2 person water slide when a girl started screaming Zach's name, a voice that I've heard before.

Maggie: Omg hey Zach

She said giving him a hug

Zach: Hey Maggie, what are you doing here??

Maggie: My family and I are on holiday and because it was just a hot day out, we decided to come to the water park

Zach: Cool, do you want to hang out with us for a bit

Maggie: Sure

Jack: *fake coughs*

Zach: Oh yeah, guys this is Maggie. She is a friend/fan of back home

Corbyn: Ok, nice to meet you

Maggie: Would it be okay if I get a photo with you guys, I'm a big fan of you and your music

Daniel: Sure, anything for our fans

Maggie: Stefania, can you take the photo for us

Stef: Sure

I went to get her phone and she whispers something to me

Maggie: I don't why these boys hang around you, you are nothing but a stupid pathetic loser. Zach is only dating you because he feels sorry for you but you shouldn't worry that won't last long. He'll find someone better and then he'll leave you

I just grabbed her phone and took the picture. We continued to go on rides and the boys knew something was wrong. Zach was mostly with Maggie and barely acknowledge me. I look at my watch and it reads 2:00. We've been here for a few hours and hadn't had lunch yet so I asked if we could go get some food. They all agreed and went to the 'food parlour'. Corbyn, Jonah, Jack and Daniel went to find a seat for 7. I asked what everyone wanted and me, Zach and Maggie went to order the food. We waited in line for 2 minutes and I remembered that I had forgotten to get my money from Daniel. I told Zach and Maggie that I'll be right back and went to find the boys. I finally found them and Daniel gave me my wallet. As I was walking back, Maggie was looking at me with an evil smirk than I saw Zach and her kissing. I stopped in my tracks for about a minute then ran back towards the boys and fell over. Daniel came to help me but I got up and pulled him outside and to a bench. We sat down and I poured my eyes out on his shirt.

Daniel: Stef, it's ok. Everything will be ok.

He said while rubbing my back and rocking me. I calmed down a bit then told him what happened.

Stef: Ok, I know that you and the boys have been worried about me because Zach treated me like I wasn't here or that I fell but that's not why I'm crying

Daniel: Ok, so what happened??

Stef: We were in line to order our food but I remembered that I forgot my money so I ran back to get it. As I was walking back to Zach and Maggie I saw them kissing. That's when I ran back and fell. I guess she's right

Daniel: Right about what??

Stef: When she handed me her phone to take the photo, she said that I was a pathetic loser who doesn't deserve friends like you and that Zach is only dating me because he feels sorry for me and that he will find someone better than me

Daniel: Stef, you are not a pathetic loser, you are an amazing person who is full of life and the boys and I are so blessed to have you in our lives. I know that Zach wouldn't have done that on purpose but if he did then he just lost the best thing that ever happened to him

He said wiping away my tears. There was the sound of someone running I look to see who it was. It was Zach. He started to talk but I grabbed Daniel and walked away not wanting to hear him. Daniel and I found our way back to the boys.

Stef: Hey guys, I'm just going to stay in the car until you all want to go home

Corbyn: What happened, are you ok??

Stef: I'll tell you later or Jonah can tell you. I'm sorry for ruining your day off

Jack: You didn't ruin anything

Jonah: You make it better

Daniel: I'll bring you back to the car

Stef: It's ok Dani. Go have fun

Daniel: No it's fine, your more important plus I was kind of getting bored of Zach and you know who

Stef: Ok and way to add a Harry Potter reference

Daniel and I went to get my things and saw that Zach was sitting down on one of the chairs crying. I really wanted to go over to him and hug to make him stop but I couldn't because of what he did. I didn't have much so we weren't there for long. I went to go pick up my shoes which were right near Zach. I quickly whispered something before getting up and leaving.

Stef: Zach, please don't cry

Is all I can let out and I place my necklace he gave me in his hands. He stops crying and tries to tell me something but I was leaving. Daniel and I get into the car and I just hug him.

Daniel: I'm here if you want to talk

Stef: Ok and thank you

Daniel: Anything for you

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Authors note: (7 August, 2018)

A Zach Herron (Fan Fiction)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt