Who Is The Better Kisser?

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Stef's Pov

I was at the boy's house and we were talking about random things. I told the boys that I've never had a boyfriend before or had my first kiss until Zach. Zach said that he has never had a girlfriend before and the boys also confirmed that it was true. Out of nowhere, the boys admitted, that they liked me. Yes including Corbyn but innocently. Christina arrived at the house when the boys had started an argument about who was the better kisser between them. Christina and I were talking when the boys were going to ask. Christina knew what they were about to ask so she said 'don't even try asking me'. Then the boys turned to me and I said 'I would do it but I'm with Zach, sorry'.

Zach: Ok, what about if we took a "break" do the challenge, then get back together after.

Stef: If you want but this better not come back at me in the future.

Zach: Ok cool guys were doing it.

Corbyn: I can't do it

Everyone: Why?

Corbyn: I have a girlfriend (pointing to Christina)

Christina: Come on Corbyn, show them who the better kisser is

Corbyn: You want me to do it?

Christina: Yeah, if Zach is allowing Stef to kiss his friends then I will allow it but only once. And if you had to kiss anyone that wasn't me then Stef would be the better option.

Corbyn: Thank you, love you baby. Now who is ready to get their butt kicked.

Zach put a blindfold on me and they choose what number they were going to be. Jack was first, Jonah second, Daniel third, Zach fourth and Corbyn last. Before we started we all went to brush our teeth so it wasn't that bad. They got back and they asked me if I was ready. Jack walked up to me and kissed me, it was interesting but it wasn't WOW. Jonah kissed me second and it was warm and soft, he was so gentle and sweet. The third was Daniel when he kissed me it felt amazing. It was warm, soft, adventurous, magical and mysterious. This was definitely the winner so far. Zach kissed me next and I knew it was Zach cause I had butterflies in my stomach and it felt the same every time I kiss him; although it was amazing Daniel's was a little better. Last but not least was Corbyn. When he kissed me it felt adventurous but that was it. (btw after every kiss they would wait for a little bit so I could think about it.) I asked if I could take my blindfold off and they said yeah. As I took my blindfold off all I saw was spots so I just waited a while until all the spot were gone. Zach asked if I was ok and I said my eyes were getting used to the sudden light. I thought about who won the kissing challenge and made my decision.

Stef: I have chosen the winner

Everyone: Who?

Stef: Number 3

Daniel: Yes, I told you guys (jumping up and down and dancing)

Stef: haha, Zach I guess you better work on your kissing skills

Zach: Don't worry (he ran up to me tackled me with kisses while tickling me)

Stef: Zach stop

I said while laughing

Zach: fine

And he got off me then helped me up. I went over to Daniel and said good job and he gave me a hug. Then I got a text for Logan.

*text message conversation*

Logan: Hey Stef, idk if your mum told you this but I have to go to Las Vegas so you will be staying at the boy's house.

Stef: Ok have fun and no she didn't tell, she must have forgotten but thank you for telling me.

Logan: I will and it's no problem.

*end of conversation*

I told the guys what Logan texted me then said I'll be back later. I said goodbye to the boys and Zach walked me out and kissed me before I got into the car. Around an hour later I get back to Logan's just in time cause he was getting into the car. When I screamed out his name he turned around and saw me. I went over to him and said you couldn't leave without saying goodbye. (Logan felt like an older brother to me even tho it's been a few day that we have met) After we said goodbye I went up to Logan's apartment to pack my things for a few days. When I finished packing my mum came in and said that she was to stay at one of my cousin's house and that if I wanted I could stay at the boy's house. I thanked her and hugged her and she knew I wouldn't do anything stupid so she didn't say anything. We went back to the boy's house and before my mum left she asked Zach if she could have his number because my phone is stuffed up and it dies for no reason. He gave it to her and she told him to look after me then thanked him. She hugged me before getting back into the car. Zach and I went back into the house and he showed me to the guest room.

Zach: If you want you can sleep in my bed

Stef: Thank you and we'll see.

We head back down with our hands entwined together and everyone said that we were so cute. After dinner, we decided every night except for the last night that we were gonna have a movie night. We put our names in a bowl and picked out a name. The person who's name popped out was Jonah. The movie Jonah picked out was 'The Boy'. I don't like scary movies so I wasn't looking forward to this. We put in the movie and I cuddled with Zach but I made sure that I would hide my face just in case I got scared. Zach felt me jump during the movie and got concerned.

Zach: Stef are you ok?

Stef: Yea, I just don't like scary movies

Zach: Don't worry I'm here. Nothing is going to happen to you

Stef: Ok

I eventually fall asleep in Zach's arms and he brings me to my room, before leaving I whispered for Zach to stay. He went to change then he came back in and slept with me.

Authors note: Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoy it and comment what you think in the comment section. Make sure to like it and/or vote it and if you want you can follow me on Instagram at whydontwe_779.

(23, August 2017)

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