First YouTube Video

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Stef's Pov

This morning I woke up at 5:00 am and I couldn't fall back asleep, so I decided to get up and get changed. I picked out an outfit for the day and packed my bag as the WDW boys, Christina, Logan and I were going to Disneyland. My mum left me some money as she was staying at one of my cousin's house. I brought $70 bucks and put it in my bag (I knew I wasn't going to spend that much but I wanted extra just in case of an emergency). I head into the kitchen and with my laptop as I waited for Logan to wake up but he was already awake.

Logan: Stef why are you awake so early?

Stef: Idk I woke up and couldn't go back to sleep so I just got ready. Why are you up so early?

Logan: I'm just editing the video I'm putting up today

Stef: Ok and how long does it take to upload a video?

Logan: It depends on how fast or slow the internet goes but I would say around 20 minutes the most why?

Stef: Ok cause today I'm going to upload my first video

Logan: It's gonna be amazing. We will be leaving to the boy's house in 10 so go get everything ready.

Stef: Thanks and done. I got everything ready when I got up. It doesn't take that long to get ready.

We got our stuff and left. It only took 30 mins to get to the boy's house cause it was early and not many people were up and we were speeding. We knew no one was awake so we were quiet. I told Logan that I was making them Breakfast cause Daniel make it yesterday and I promised him. I made them waffles, muffins and french toast all from scratch. It took me an hour and a half to do everything including setting the table. Daniel was the first to wake up and was surprised at how much food i made.

Daniel: Stef this looks amazing but there is so much food. You didn't have to do any of this

Stef: I promised you yesterday and I'm Italian, cooking a lot of food is my speciality, Now eat

I grabbed some french toast and started to upload my video. 10 minutes later everyone had woken except Zach to the smell of food. Then I went up to Zach's room and tried to wake him up but nothing worked. I kissed him and he woke up, finally.

Stef: Morning sleepy head, quickly get ready and come have breakfast

Zach: Morning babe, ok I'll be down in a second

I went downstairs to see the guys standing around my laptop.

Jack: When were you going to tell us you were posting a YouTube video?

Stef: When Christina gets here. I'm not posting it until everyone is here

Corbyn: I still can't believe you are actually doing this

Stef: Ik I'm scared but excited

Jonah: Don't be, whatever happens, we'll all be supporting and helping you every step of the way

Logan: If anyone wants to mess with you then they will have to go through me first

Daniel: We have your back

Stef: Aww guys thank you so much, you all are the reason why I can start living my dream, if I haven't had met you then none of this would be happening

Zach: Babe, we're all here for you

We all get into a group hug and Christina comes in confused. We said that I'm uploading my first ever YouTube video and she understood. I was about to press publish and everyone got out their phones and started recording and posting it on all their social media telling their fans to go and watch my video. I closed my laptop, we finished eating and started making our way to Disneyland.

Today was Christina's last day in LA and she wanted to go to Disneyland so we went. We weren't allowed to stay for very long cause she needed to be at the airport by 7. I brought my camera and recorded a lot as I have never been to Disneyland before and this was my first time. We went on rides, we brought food, we went into the different Disney sections, took many photos and brought some Disney things. We left Disneyland at 5 and headed straight to the airport cause Christina had already brought her luggage.It was hard saying goodbye to Christina as she felt like a sister to me. We had dinner and I checked on my video. I nearly had a million subscribers and I have a lot of likes and comments. Some of them were hate comments about my appearance but most of them were good comments. I showed the boys and Zach got a little worried about all the hate I was getting but I told them that I used to get bullied so it didn't affect me. They couldn't believe that I had gotten bullied but said that I was strong and they were proud of me cause didn't give up. I couldn't have asked for better friends. Logan and I left the boys house early cause Jake wanted me to sign a contract that says I was gonna be part of Team Ten.

Authors Note: As today is my birthday I wanted to put out an extra chapter for you guys. Thank you all for reading this book and supporting me. Even if you don't comment. Also, I'm making a fan video so please send me a video or photo if you are willing to participate. Thank you all and i hope you have a great day/night xx

- Stef

(18 September, 2017)

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