Happy New Year Boys

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Stef's Pov

Today was New Year's, Eve. We went out and bought a lot of stuff as there were lots of sales.

Jack/Daniel: We have a problem

Stef: Yea we really do

Zach: Stef, you only brought 1 thing

Stef: So, every time we go out I always end up buying something. Even if it's small

We go back to the house and Jonah and Corbyn walk past us shaking their heads.

Corbyn: You had to buy something didn't you?!

Daniel: We couldn't help it

Jonah: Stef, I thought you were more responsible than that

Stef: Never have expectation, especially from me

We put our stuff away and Mike their manager comes in. He tells the boys that they need to make some mashups and some YouTube videos. While the boys were recording I also decided to make a YouTube video. The video I made was called "6 things girls say vs what girls really mean". It took me 30 minutes to record because I kept stuffing but I always put the bloopers at the end so I didn't mind. After I finished recording I put the SD card in my laptop so I could upload and edit the footage. While editing I add in special effects. During editing, I had this huge urge to just run around the house screaming random words.

*text message conversation*

Stef💞: Hey Zach, are you and the boys recording anything or doing anything important??

Zach💖: Hey babe, no we are all taking a break and having some lunch

Stef💞: Ok

Zach💖: Why??

I run downstairs screaming random words then go to the living room where the boys are. They just stare at me and I start laughing.

Corbyn: Man Zach, you have a wild girlfriend

Stef: 🎶 You're running, I'm chasing, I'm wildin' and you're taming 🎶

Jack: 🎶 You got it, come get it 🎶

Zach: 🎶 All of my love 🎶

We all laugh and I was walking back to the room when Zach grabs me and made me sit on his lap. We talked until they had to start recording again. I went back up to my room I was staying in and continued editing the video until I had finished.

A few hours later the boys and I went out to eat dinner, then went to the place where there were a countdown and fireworks. Zach and I made a boomerang of us kissing on the last second of the countdown. Well, Daniel recorded it.

Zach: Happy New Years babe, I love you so much

Stef: Happy New Years, I love you more

We kiss again then we say happy New Years to the other boys. We watched the fireworks and they were beautiful. We head back to the house and was surprised to see Logan sitting on their couch.

Everyone: Hey Logan

Logan: Hey Guys

Jack: What are you doing here

Logan: I have come here to give some news to Stef from manager Jeff

Stef: Ok, what is it??

Logan: See the acting videos we do for the vlog and sometimes for Amanda. Well, somehow Disney Channel saw it and called manager Jeff and asked if you could be a special guest on the show. If the audience likes you, you may become a new cast member of that show.

Stef: Omg seriously, this is amazing but do you know what show it's called??

Logan: No but tomorrow you'll find out cause we are gonna meet with them

Stef: Ok thank you. And why did they think Jeff was my manager, I don't even have one??

Logan: Jeff is my manager and because you have been in my vlogs, they thought he was managing you to

Stef: Oh ok

Everyone congratulated me and Logan went back to his apartment. Zach and I got to the room to get changed. I went into the bathroom and he was in the room. I opened the door when I was done so he could come in and brush his teeth. We got into bed and I fell asleep straight away.

*The next day*

I get up early because Logan and Jeff will be here to pick me up at 7. I got ready and waited for Logan to arrive. When it gets to 7 o'clock Logan texts me to come outside so I kiss Zach on the cheek and left. We got to the meeting place they had told Jeff to meet us. We did it early because it was New Year's Day and we all wanted to be with the people we love. The meeting went well and they said that I was going to be a new character on 'Andi Mack'. When I got back to the house I saw Christina and Corbyn sitting on the couch looking so in love with each other. When Christina saw me she got up and ran towards me, engulfing me in a hug. We pull apart and I see with a massive diamond on her married finger. I freaked out and they told me how it all happened and to not tell the guys. They told me their wedding date and Christina asked me to be her 'Maid of honour' which I agreed to. The rest of the day Christina and I hung out and started planning her wedding. 

Authors note: Hey guys I hope ya'll liked this chapter, make sure to comment your thoughts. Add me on Instagram at whydontwe_779.  I hope you all have a good day/night xxx

- Stefania

(11 January 2018)

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