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Stef's Pov

Today I was leaving with Jack to his hometown for a week. I was gonna miss everyone so much especially Zach but I was excited. We get to the airport and waited until our flight got called. When our flight did get called Jack and I said goodbye to everyone. I hate saying goodbye. Before I left Zach told me to call or message him when I land and I promised him that I would. Jack and I head onto the plane. On the plane ride, we talked, played games and watched a movie. We got off the plane and headed to get out bags. We got our bags and found Kristen (Jack's mum). We hugged and went to their house. I messaged Zach because I promised him that I would when I landed. We get to the house and walk in, Isla runs up to us but went to hug me and not Jack.

Jack: I've been replaced

Stef: Sorry Jack but I can't help it

Isla: Don't worry Jack, I still love you and You're still my favourite

Jack: I know and I love you too

Kristen showed me where I was staying (which was Jacks room) and I put my stuff in a corner and went downstairs. Kristen blew up the air mattress for me. I grabbed some clothes and got changed in the bathroom. I got out and was surprised to see Jack taking off his shirt. I went back into the bathroom and waited until he was finished. I open the door and we brushed our teeth. Jack and I had a full-on argument about who was getting the air mattress. Jack didn't want me to sleep on the air mattress because he thought it was uncomfortable but I said that it was fine. I ended up winning the argument and slept on the air mattress. I felt bad that I was staying at their house so this was enough. We both hit the bed and was out like a light.

*The next day*

Jack and I got up around 10 and went downstairs to have some breakfast. We eat and Zach calls once I'm done.

*face time conversation*

Stef: Hey cutie

Zach: Hey babe, how was the first night at Jack's

Stef: It was alright, but we didn't do anything cause as soon as my face hit the pillow, I was out like a light

Zach: That's good, are you going to do something today??

Stef: Idk .......

Jack in the background: Stef, some of my friends are coming over in 20 minutes and they want to meet you, you in??

Stef: Yea I'm in. Idk just turned into a day out with jacks friends. How was your first day without me and are you doing anything today?

Zach: My first day without you is sad and boring but I'm having a fun time with my family and friends. And later I'm going to bring my brother and sister to the park

Stef: Oh nice, tell everyone that I said hi

Zach: I will and I have to go because my mum wants me. I love you

Stef: Ok, have fun and I love you too

*end of FaceTime call*

The call ended and I went to get changed. I was just sitting on jacks bed on my phone when these boys come barging in. Jack introduced them to me and me to them. We played some video games, skated and played some basketball. I didn't know how to skate so Jack and the boys taught me. I learnt pretty quickly and I beat the boys at basketball. They were shocked that a girl had beaten them but was impressed with my skills. It was getting late so the boys and I went back to Jack's house. We had dinner then went to play more video games. Isla got bored and asked if I could play with her. I said yes and we went to her room and played dress up.

Jack's Pov

Today was Stef's first day in my hometown and I decided to invite my friends over so they can meet her. I hope they all like each other because I'm close to everyone and want everyone to get along. The boys finally arrived and I introduced them to Stef and Stef to the boys. They got on well which was a relief. We played some video games, I helped Stef with skating cause she didn't know how to skate but damn she is a fast learner and then we played some basketball. I still can't believe that Stef beat us all, I'm very impressed. Because it was getting late and nearly dinner time we decided to go back to my house. After dinner, we all played more video games and Isla came in after a while because she was bored. She asked Stef if she wanted to play with her and Stef said yes. They went back to Isla room and the boys turned towards me with a weird look on their faces.

Jack: Why are you guys looking at me like that??

Friend no.1: You and Stef aye

friend no.2: We all see the connection you guys have

Jack: No and what connection are you guys seeing cause we are just friends

Friend no.3: That's what they all say

Friend no.2: True that

Friend no.1: Come on Jack, you can tell us anything. We know you like her

Jack: Fine, I might like her a bit but ...

Friend no.3: We knew it

Jack: You didn't let me finish

Friend no.1: ok go on then

Jack: She has a boyfriend and It's Zach

friend no.1: I'm sorry Jack but there are others out there

Jack: I know and I prefer to stay best friends than lose her

We play for a little while longer than the boys left. Stef was already in bed but was on her phone. we talk a bit then we went to sleep.

Authors note: Hey guys I hope ya'll liked this chapter, make sure to comment your thoughts. Sorry that I didn't post yesterday, I started school and now have a timetable to when I will be editing and doing homework. Add me on Instagram at whydontwe_779.  I hope you all have a good day/night xxx

- Stefania

(1 February 2018)

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