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Stef's Pov

(The same day as last part)

We got home and did nothing. But out of nowhere, I started getting a panic attack. I told the boys that I was going to go for a walk to clear my head. Zach wanted to come but I told him not to. I grabbed my phone and walked out. They lived next to a beach so I started walking alongside it. It really calmed me down until I heard an abnormal sound in the background. I also felt like someone was following me so I decided to call Zach but he didn't answer. I then call Jonah who answered. I was in the middle of telling Jonah when someone starts running at me with a metal bat.

Stef: Please stay away from me

Jonah: Stef what's happening??

Stef: Someone is running at me with a metal bat

Stef: I love you guys with all my heart and you have changed my life forever

Jonah: Stef where are you?? I'm coming to get you

Stef: No, no. Get off me. Please

The line cuts off

Phone: Beep, beep, beep

Jonah: Stef are you there. No, this can't be happening

The guy knocked me out and put me in his car.

The man drove Stef to what seems like an abandoned location. He got her out of the car and into the warehouse. The place he brought her too wasn't that far away from the guys. He placed Stef on the cold cement floor and cuffed her hands to the wall there was also a wooden chair and an old tv that would show tapes. The man went out and shut the door locking it. They kept waiting until Stef woke up.

Jonah's Pov

Stef had left because of her anxiety and Zach was pasting up and down.

Jonah: Bro calm down, Stef is going to be ok. She can take care of herself

Zach: I know but I have a bad feeling about this

Jonah: Go outside, take a deep breath then come back in. It will make you feel better

Zach: Ok but tell me if anything happens

Jonah: I will

Zach goes downstairs. His phone starts going off. I didn't answer it because I didn't want to invade his privacy. Moments after his phone stopped ringing, mine started ringing. The caller ID showed me that Stef was ringing me so I answered immediately.

Stef: Hey, Zach didn't answer his phone but I need to tell someone

Jonah: Ok what is it??

Stef: Someone is following me, I don't know who but I can feel it. I'm really scared and don't know what to do

Stef: Please stay away from me

Jonah: Stef what's happening??

Stef: Someone is running at me with a metal bat

Stef: I love you guys with all my heart and you have changed my life forever

Jonah: Stef where are you?? I'm coming to get you

Stef: No, no. Get off me. Please

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