Meeting Why Don't We

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Stef's pov

Today was the day I got to meet Why Don't We and I'm freaking out. I had a shower and got changed into a white New York No.9 t-shirt, black tights, white vans, and Ray Ban sunglasses. I grabbed my things and the stuff I got for the boys and headed out. In the car, there was me, my mum, Logan and Manager Jeff.

L: Stef how are you feeling?

S: I'm freaking out, just a little bit.

L: Don't worry just act like you did when you meet Team Ten.

S: Ok, I'll try

As we were talking Logan was on his phone texting several people at once. I asked/told my mum about what happened yesterday and she was surprisingly ok with me becoming a YouTuber and signing with team ten but only if I had some privacy and continued with school and you reach the goal that Logan and I agreed to. We kept talking and playing music until we got to the boy's house.

We walk in and all I hear is the boy's beautiful singing. They were singing one of my favourite song of their "All of my love"

As they finished, I said hi and gave them a hug while constantly smiling. They did the same.

Daniel: How are you?

Stef: I'm a little less nervous than I was in the car. How are you guys?

Corbyn: We're good and excited to meet you.

Stef: Aww, I want to say thank you so much for picking me out of the thousands of other people who had entered the competition. This means so much to me, i-i-lo-ve-you guys.

Jack: We love you too and your support means the world to us.

Jonah: How old are you? And what is one of your favourite songs?

Stef: I'm 15 years old and one of my favourite song that's not made my you guys is 'Love Stoned' by Justin Timberlake

They sang it to me and it was amazing. (Zach loved that song and mostly sang it)

Mum: Before you guys continue talking, can I get a photo with all of you cause I will be leaving soon

Boys: Yea sure, no problem

We take a photo with me in the middle, Zach on my left side holding my waist and pulling me close to him, Jack on my right with Daniel next to him, Corbyn and Jonah are standing beside Zach. We took about a few photos and a few funny ones too. After we took the photo's I gave the boys the bag with a fanfiction booklet that I have been working on since they became a band, lollies, chocolate, a drawing, letters and other things.

Boys: Thank you so much Stef, you didn't have to.

Stef: I wanted to give you guys a little something because you all have made me one of the happiest people in the world.

Boys: Well we have something for you because we love how much support you give us. (They gave me their individual t-shirts, a why don't we signed poster and a jumper)

Stef: Thank you so much but this is all too much

Boys: No, what you gave us is too much

Mum: Stefania, I'm leaving now

Stef: Okay

I walked with my mum and ask her if she could give me my medicine and she did, but what I didn't realise is that Zach was behind us and saw my mum giving me the medicine.

Zach: Stef are you okay?

Stef: um.... (looking down)

Zach: Stef, you can tell me anything

Stef: Okay, I have to take medication because I have acid reflux and feel sick, so I have this before I have dinner and this whenever I feel sick. And please don't tell anyone, I don't really like it when people know I'm sick.

Zach: How long have you had this for?

Stef: Since I was 10

Zach: Wow that's a long time. How have you coped with it so far?

Stef: After a while you kind of get used to it but some days when I'm sick, it gets really bad and I become such a terrible/mean person and that's what I hate about it the most. That I hurt the people I love.

Zach: I'll always be here if you need me

Stef: Thanks and gave him a hug

We walked back to the guy and Daniel said that we should take Stef around. We hopped into the car and headed off. I was sitting next to Zack and Jonah. During the car ride, they asked for my social media and number, so I gave it to them. I got to know them better and I realised that Zach and I have so much in common. We like the same superhero/marvel, musicians, tv shows, movies, etc. But one thing that surprised me was that Zach had never watched HSM 3, I told him that we were gonna watch it one day before I leave. Corbyn and I liked the same HSM movie and he asked me what my favourite song was. I told him that my favourite song is "can I have this dance" and he told me that his fave song is "just want to be with you". I also became really good friends with Jack. It felt like we have known each other for years. We finally arrived at our last stop and when I got out, it had such a beautiful view. I took loads of photo and I took some of the boys then Corbyn forced me to give him my camera so he could take some photos. He took some with just me and some with the boys individually. (he was also in some photos)

Author's Note: Thank you guys for reading, Love you guys xx

If you want to follow my WDW account it is whydontwe_779

(8th July 2017)

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