My Side

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Zach's Pov

Someone kept calling my name so I started looking around to see who it was.

Maggie: Omg hey Zach

She said giving me a hug

Zach: Hey Maggie, what are you doing here??

Maggie: My family and I are on holiday and because it was just a hot day out, we decided to come to the water park

Zach: Cool, do you want to hang out with us for a bit

Maggie: Sure

Jack: *fake coughs*

Zach: Oh yeah, guys this is Maggie. She is a friend/fan of back home

Corbyn: Ok, nice to meet you

Maggie: Would it be okay if I get a photo with you guys, I'm a big fan of you and your music

Daniel: Sure, anything for our fans

Maggie: Stefania, can you take the photo for us

Stef: Sure

Stef went to get her phone and we got ready. Once we took the picture we went back to the rides. Maggie and I were hanging out for a bit and every time I tried to leave, she wouldn't let me. I felt so bad because I'm ignoring everyone and Stef came here for me and I'm not even with her. It gets around 2:00 pm and we haven't eaten since breakfast. Stef asked if we could get food and we all agreed. When we got to the 'food parlour', Corbyn, Jonah, Jack and Daniel went to get a seat while Stef, Maggie and I went to order the food. Stef had forgotten her wallet and told us that she was going to get it from Daniel. I said ok and turned back around when Maggie kissed me. I tried to break free but she was too strong. I then heard someone fall over and went to see who it was. It was Stef, I bet she saw me and Maggie kiss.

Zach: What the fuck Maggie, I have a girlfriend what are you doing??

Maggie: I thought you liked me

Zach: Yea as a friend, nothing more. And it's not ok to kiss someone when they are taken

Maggie: Come on Zach, you can do so much better than her

Zach: No I can't, she makes me the happy person you all see in videos or when I meet my fans. She is the reason why I'm the person I am today. Now you have just ruined everything. I don't want to see you ever again and if I do then I'll get a restraining order

Once I finished saying what I had to say, I turn and run trying to find Stef. I finally found Daniel and Stef outside and to a bench. They were sat on the bench and Stef was crying. It broke my heart to see her like that. I wish I could just undo everything that happened here today. I go up to them to try and explain what happened but she just stood up and left, pulling Daniel with her. I didn't know what else to do so I just went back to our seats and started crying. Non - stop. Not long after Stef and  Daniel came to get all of her belongings. I continued crying not caring if anyone could hear me. I then realised that Stef's shoes are right under the chair that I'm currently sitting on. She goes to collect them and quickly says something.

Stef: Zach, please don't cry

Is all she said and gave me her necklace I bought her when I asked her to be my girlfriend then she left. I tried to do what she says but couldn't. I just hate myself for letting Maggie take it so far and tbh I have wondered what it would be like to kiss her but I would never actually do it. It doesn't take long for the guys to come back but it dead silent. We get our things and head back to the car. Stef was in the car talking to Daniel, and I instantly got jealous of how close they have gotten but didn't say anything. I'm in the back with Jack, Stef is in the middle with Daniel, Corbyn is in the passenger seat and Jonah is driving. Stef got tired and put her head on Daniel's shoulder and I got more jealous. The boys saw that she was asleep and Daniel told the guys what happened.

Corbyn: Why did you do it. Out of anyone you could have hurt, why Stef??

Jack: She loves you and only you, why would you do that??

Jonah: She is such an amazing person and I think you might have just lost the best you could have

Zach: I know and I never wanted to hurt her. But I promise you that I would never cheat, especially on Stef. She is too important to me

Daniel: Yeah because you didn't completely ignore her all day

Zach: I didn't mean to. Maggie kept talking and I didn't want to be rude

Daniel: Rude!! did you know what Maggie told Stef when she gave her phone to her??

Zach: What are you talking about. They didn't talk at all today??

Daniel: Ah but Maggie did when we weren't looking. She told Stef that she was a pathetic loser who doesn't deserve us as friends. Then she said that you were only dating her because you feel sorry for her and that you will find someone better than her

Zach: Why would she say that and none of that is true. Stef is the most kind-hearted person I've ever known and she would do anything for the people she loves. And I know how you guys feel about her

Corbyn: Then why kiss Maggie??

Zach: That's the thing, I didn't kiss her, she kissed me. I would never kiss her

Jack: And yet you let it

Zach: I didn't know she was going to kiss me and she wouldn't let me go. Come on guys, you have to believe me, you know I would never do that

Corbyn: We want to believe you, really we do, but Stef is going through so much pain and its all because of you

Then everything goes silent and I start crying again. I didn't notice but Stef had woken up and had put her hand on my shoulder. I slowly look up and we locked eyes until she started talking.

Stef: Zach, I need you to stop crying. Please. If you can't do it for yourself then do it for me. Do you think you can do that??

I just nodded my head that I understood. I was about to say something but Jack stopped me. She turned back around and I just kept my head down not knowing what else to do. We got back to Daniel's house, unpacked the car and went to our rooms. I sat down on the bed and no longer than 2 minutes Daniel came into the room saying that we have a meeting with Eben and August. I head into the room but there was no meeting. Jonah closed the door behind him and the guys had their hands crossed while sitting on chairs.

Daniel: Tell us what happened from your point of view

I told the guys everything that happened today while trying not to cry but I failed. After I told them my side of the story they told me that they need me to leave for a few minutes. I went back into the room where I was staying in and saw that Stef was crying. I got over to her and bend down so we're the same level.

Zach: Stef, I'm so sorry about everything. Please let me explain, it's not what think

Stef: ......

Keri: Dinners ready and your friends are here Daniel

Stef: We better go

Zach: Yeah

We get up and Stef goes to the bathroom as I go to the kitchen. We ate dinner then went to play some video games. Stef helped Keri clean and when she was done she came and jumped on Daniel's back making him scared.

Daniel: Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!! OMG Stef, you scared the shit out of me

Stef: Your welcome boys

Everyone was laughing but me. One of Daniel's friends asked Stef if she wanted to play. She, of course, said yes and was going to kick his ass which I found funny. She was Juventus and Liam was Barcelona. I still remember the day where she made me watch a game. Soon after Daniel's friends left, then everyone went to Daniel's spare room. The guys and Stef talked about random things. I then had this sudden urge to go do something so I said that I'm going to the bathroom. We didn't stay up for much longer and went to bed.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Authors note: (7 August, 2018)

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