Leaving Pennsylvania

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Stef's Pov

Today was my last day in Pennsylvania and I am packing because I leave in 2 hours. It doesn't take me that long to pack because most of my stuff was already done and I didn't have that much stuff to pack. I told Zach when I was leaving and he told me to message him when I got to the airport. Once I was done packing my bag, Jack, Kristen and Isla had set up the car and we left to go to the airport. Before I went downstairs, I left a candle and a card thanking Kristen for making me stay at her house and being so caring. We got to the airport in half an hour and I checked in. I still had half an hour left until I could board my flight so we all decided to walk around for a bit. We didn't go too far because once they call out my flight gate, I have to go.

*Over the speaker*

Man: Flight 143 is now ready to board

Stef: That's my flight, Thank you so much, Kristen, for making me stay with you guys.

Kristen: It was no trouble, we all loved having you around especially Isla.

Isla: Yeah, you are my new best friend, how am I suppose to tell you things

Stef: Isla even though I might not be with you, we can still talk on the phone and if anything happens to you promise me you will call me or tell Jack

Isla: I promise

Stef: And who could forget the amazing friend Jack. Thank you so much for taking me around and for just being there

Jack: Well that's what best friends do and make sure you message me that you have landed safely

Stef: I promise

Before heading off to the gate, I gave them all a massive hug. I walk up to the lady and she scans my ticket. I turned and waved goodbye to them then walked onto the plane. I found my seat and got settled in. I messaged Zach to tell him that I was on my flight and that I was going to take off soon. The plane takes off and I try to sleep but it's no use, it's just too uncomfortable. I watch " spider man: homecoming and other movies. I also listened to music from back in the day because they had no good music.

*skip the rest of the flight bc it's boring AF*

I get off the plane and go through the security checkpoint and then go to the luggage area to get my luggage. On my way there I messaged Zach then Jack that I have landed.

Stef to Jack: I have landed so don't worry and say hi to Isla for me

Jack to Stef: I will

Stef to Zach: Hey Zach, I have just landed and it feels so weird and I miss you so much

Zach to Stef: Hey babe, I would ask if you had a good flight but I know the answer to that. I miss you so much too and I can't wait to see you again. Why do you feel weird to be back home??

Stef to Zach: I don't know, I think I feel weird because I haven't been home for a while and I'm not used to it or it's because of jet lag and I haven't fully processed what's happened yet. But I have to go because I'm going through the final security checkpoint, love you xx

Zach to Stef: Ok, say hi to everyone for me and I love you more xx

I closed my phone and put it in the tub and walk through a tube thingy. I got all my things and headed out. I was greeted by my family and cousins and fans. I took a photo with every single fan then went home. As it was 5 in the afternoon I decided to have dinner early so I could go to bed early. The next day I wake up with a bunch of text from Zach.

Zach💖: Hey beautiful, I know we talked a few hours ago but I miss you

Zach💖: Just message me when you can talk

Zach💖: Stef

Zach💖: Stef

Zach💖: I'm dying

Zach💖: Why aren't you answering

Zach💖: Wait never mind

Zach💖: Ok I just remembered that you can't sleep on planes so you may be sleeping right now. I just wanted to say hi and that I love you so when you do wake up please don't freak out or think that something is wrong

As I read the messages that Zach sent me, all I could do was laugh. I messaged him back saying

Stef💞: Hey baby, sorry that I didn't text you but I was sleeping. Don't worry I didn't freak out when you sent me the message about you dying, actually, I started laughing because I knew you just wanted me to answer you and btw I love you too

I sent it and 10 minutes later I get a call from Zach. We talk until it get's to 11 pm in Dallas. After we finish the call, I start my assessments because I have 6 and they are due in a few weeks. I complete two of them. Then my sister and her husband came over and we hang out because we rarely see each other, much anymore. I liked my sister's husband and we got along most of the time but when we disagree about something we go into an argument about who is right. We went out to lunch and I felt so happy to share this moment with them cause we aren't that close because of the 10 year age gap. 


Authors note: Hey guys I hope ya'll liked this chapter, make sure to comment your thoughts. Add me on Instagram at whydontwe_779. I hope you all have a good day/night xxx

- Stefania xx

(29th March 2018)

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