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Stef's Pov

I wake up to the sound of Logan and his merch gun. I moan and roll over, falling on the carpet floor. Logan and I started laughing at my clumsiness and I got up to get ready. I quickly hopped in the shower, got dressed and ate breakfast. I got my script and we left. Logan was helping me with one of my auditions in the are.

Logan: Again but this time with more feeling and emotion

Stef: Ahhhh fine

Brandon was in the back recording while Logan and I were practising. We got to the Place where my first audition is and we enter. As I was early, I was marked down to go after the few people already there. It didn't take long for them to set everything up and the auditions started. It was close to my turn and I began to get nervous.

Logan: Stef it's going to be ok. And if you don't get this one then it's there lost because you are amazing, plus there are many other auditions you can get

Stef: Thanks Logan for believing in me

Male dude: Stefania Longo, you're up

Stef: Oh shit

We walk in and I give the director my headshot with my application.

Director: Thank you, you may start when you feel like

Stef: Ok

I go to start but nothing comes out and I turn to Logan. 'It's going to be ok, you can do this' Logan says in a whisper. I then turn to the director and say

Stef: Excuse me, is it ok if I look at my friend Because it makes me feel more comfortable

Director: Whatever works best for you

Stef: Thank you

I look at Logan than at my script and begin my audition. Once I was done I turn back to the director and they had a normal but impressed face. They then told me to sing and dance because that's what I had on my application. Actually, the singing part wasn't but they said that I just needed a tutor so I know how to control my voice and what notes/keys I sing. They were impressed by my dancing and then told me that I was under consideration.

Stef: Thank you but if you decide to choose me, I won't be able to film/record for the rest of the year because I live in Australia and it is my last year of high school so I will be doing multiple tests and won't be able to leave

Director: We'll keep that in mind and thank you for telling us in advance. You may go out for 2 hours if you want because there is a long list of people who are auditioning

Stef: Thank you

Logan and I leave and head down the street where Brandon was. We got to him and I told him about my audition and how I killed it. I then asked Logan if he could drive me to my next audition and made sure that he was ok with him bringing me. We get to the second audition place. I grab my bad from the car and find a bathroom to change in. I gave my phone to Logan because I didn't want to lose it. I put down my bag and start stretching. My phone went off and Logan answered it for me.

*facetime call conversation*

Daniel: Hey St..... Hey Logan

Logan: Hey Daniel, how's being back at home??

Daniel: It's been good to see the family again, especially Anna.

Daniel: And why do you have Stef's phone??

Logan: She asked me to hold it while she's stretching for her audition

Daniel: Ok

Logan then passed me my phone and saw that Daniel was on the phone. I smiled and said

Stef: Hey Daniel, what's up

Daniel: I just wanted to see how my favourite person is

Stef: She's good. She had an audition for Disney and now she has an audition for a dance company so I'll talk to u later

Daniel: Ok, good luck

I give my phone back to Logan and get in the spot that was assigned to me. We learned a practice dance then we did our solos. It was my turn and the song I had chosen was M.I.A by Why Don't We (plugging for my boys) my choreography routine was a combination of jazz and hip-hop; mainly hip-hop. I had to stay there until everyone was done.

Dance teacher: You may now leave. The list will be going up tonight or tomorrow so be on the lookout

We said thank you and I went over to Logan who was still on the phone to Daniel. He passes me my bag and phone and we went to go get something to eat before we go back to see if I got the part of Disney. We go to Taco Bell and order. When we get our food, I set it up and take a photo and send it to Zach with the caption "did you miss this or me??". Zach didn't take long in replying back 'you got Taco Bell without me 😢 and of course, I missed you'. I laugh at the response and put down my phone to start eating.  We finish we eating and we get back in the car, I turn to Logan and say

Stef: Thank you, Logan, for today. None of this would have been possible without your help and I'm truly thankful for it

Logan: Don't worry about it. I did it because I wanted to help you

Stef: But anyways thank you

Logan: It is my pleasure

We drive back to the Disney audition just in time for the list goes up. This determines who goes into the next round of auditions. As there was a lot of people crowded around the list, we decided to wait until they felt to go look at it. After 10 minutes the crowd had almost gone so Logan went to see if I was on the list. It didn't take him long cause he was back for a minute or two. He wouldn't say anything and I got more and more suspicious by the second.

Stef: Logan, are you going to tell me if I made it to the next round or not

Logan: Yes but whatever I tell you, you did amazing in there

Stef: Ok

Logan: You... made it to the next round

He said it so fast that I didn't register it in my head until a few minutes after. I started jumping up and down and gave Logan the biggest hug in the world.

Logan: I guess someone is happy

Stef: I am. This is amazing

Logan: Don't get your hopes too high because you never know what could happen

Stef: I know but just hearing this means that I've accomplished something that I would never have done without you, the squad and the boys

Logan: Always looking for the positivity in things. That's what I like about you and that's what being a maverick is about

We head back home and I go to have a nice warm bubble bath cause I'm still a kid and because I can. I then change into one of Jonah's hoodies and sweatpants. The squad (Me, Logan, Brendon, Lydia and sometimes Evan and Jeff) We all decided to have a quiet night and watch movies.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Authors note: (2 September, 2018)

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