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Stef's Pov

Today I was going to the "Forever In Your Mind" concert and was extremely excited. I was going with Zach, and Jonah was also coming along as he was friends with Ricky and Emery (this is actually true if you go onto Jonah's Instagram, he has a few photos with them if you go way back) I start to get ready and change into this

 I was going with Zach, and Jonah was also coming along as he was friends with Ricky and Emery (this is actually true if you go onto Jonah's Instagram, he has a few photos with them if you go way back) I start to get ready and change into this

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I apply a little bit of foundation to cover up a few imperfections but that was only because I wanted to make a good impression. Then Zach comes into the room and hugs me from behind.

Zach: Baby are you ready cause we have to go now

Stef: Yea but why so early? The meet and greet doesn't start until 4 and it's 12

Zach: Well that because I have a surprise for you. Make sure to bring your big camera

Stef: Ok

I grab my bag and put my camera, my vlogging camera, my portable charger, some food and some money. Zach, Jonah and I got into the Uber Jonah had ordered for us. I was so excited and you could easily tell by the look on my face. I had gotten a bunch of questions to ask the guys for the meet and greet. On the way to the event, 'Trust fund baby' came on the radio. We asked the driver to turn up the music and we record it and put it on our social media. I am so proud of the boys. We get to The Rocky Theatre and no one else is there but us and the band.

Stef: Why isn't there anyone else here??

Zach: Because we had got you an interview with the boys and they wanted to hang out with you

Stef: Omg seriously!!

Zach: Yeah

Stef: You guys are the best

Jonah: I know

I laugh and knocked on the door and Ricky opens it

Ricky: Hey, you must be Stef. I've been dying to meet you. We all have

Stef: You guys have been dying to meet me?? I've been dying to meet you for years

I go up to each one of them and give them a big hug. I give them their bags I had made for them and they kindly thanked me. We talked for a little bit and I found out how Jonah, Ricky and Emery met and became friends. Then we did the interview. I was extremely nervous and Zach could tell so he gave me a hug and told me that I could do it. All throughout the interview, my confidence grew and I was having a good time. Zach looked at me with a proud expression on his face and all I could do was smile. I thanked them for the interview. We took a bunch of photos and I brought up the idea of both bands going on tour expanding the fandom and they all loved the idea. Although why don't we have a bigger fan base, forever in your mind has more experience as they have done this longer. By the time we came up with some ideas about the tour, the meet and greet were about to start so we all left. Since I was the only one who had a meet and greet pass I made my way to the line. As I was walking I saw this girl look happy but sad and was constantly looking over to the meet and greet section. I walked over to her and her mother and said

Stef: Hey my name is Stefania, what's your name??

Zara: I'm Zara. Wait, your Stefania Longo, can I take a photo with you??

Stef: Of course you can

And we took a few photos

Stef: Ok, so the reason why I came over was that I saw you were constantly look back and forth at the line for the meet and greet and instantly knew how you felt. I had always wished that I would just get lucky enough to somehow get a VIP ticket but that never happen until now. Today I was lucky enough to meet them before and feel like I should let you get the chance to meet them as well, so I'm giving you my VIP tickets

Sara: No, I could never take them off you

Stef: Please I insist, you deserve them

Zara: Thank you, you have no idea how much this means to me. I will never thank you enough

She gave me a hug and her mother had said some nice words to me. We all go up and I tell the people I had given my VIP ticket to Zara and they accepted it. I then go and look for Zach but I didn't have to look very long as he was looking at me from a distance. I go over to him and he asks what's happened and I tell him everything. He was more proud of me and my actions and he felt like I was an angel sent down to brighten up the world. I just held him closer and waited until the show started. I recorded the whole show but still enjoyed it. When the show finished, I packed all of my belongings into my bag and we were going to get something to eat but we were stopped by Liam. He had invited us to come get dinner with them and we agreed. I messaged the boys telling them where we were going so they wouldn't worry about us. We continued to talk more about going on tour with each other and hopefully going worldwide. Then went to talk to both of the mangers. They both seemed to like the idea and we left them to talk about it further. 20 minutes we get back to the house. I was so tired from today so I said goodnight and went to my room to get changed before going into Zach's room to sleep in his bed. No longer than 5 minutes after I got into Zach's bed, he came in. I cuddled myself into him and fell asleep. 

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Authors note: (6 September, 2018)

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