Will You ........

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Zach's Pov

Today was a big day so I got up at 7:00 am to set everything up. Everyone got up and started to help out. I set up some camera's, got the sign ready while my mum made a special breakfast. Reese and Ryan were in their room with confetti bombs at the ready. My dad was the cameraman, so he was doing to film everything. From when she comes down to eat to when Reese and Ryan blast the confetti bombs. My mum made pancakes that said 'turn around' with a heart-shaped flower with some Nutella and whipped cream. I turned on all the camera's and told my dad to start filming once Stef comes out of the room. I went back to the room to pick out my suit that I'm going to change into once Stef goes down to have breakfast. I opened the door and I see that Stef had just woken up.

Zach: Morning babe, Did I wake you up??

Stef: No, I woke up 2 minutes ago and tried to go back to sleep but it's no use. Why are you up so early??

Zach: I woke up and couldn't fall asleep again so I just went to get some breakfast

Stef: Ok, I'm going to get breakfast and are we doing anything today??

Zach: You're going out with my mum and Reese

Stef: Ok cool, sounds fun

She get's up and heads downstairs and my dad starts filming. I get the suit I'm going to wear tonight and put it on quickly. I grab the sign and wait upstairs, just behind Stef. My mum sees me then brings the plate with food to Stef. She thanks my mum and reads what it says on the pancake. With a confused face, she turns around slowly and sees me with the sign that says "will you go to prom with me??" her hand covering her mouth, she stands and runs up the stairs towards me. She says yes and she gives a hug. Then Reese and Ryan come out of the room and blast the confetti bombs causing Stef to jump. I let out a little chuckle and kissed her passionately for a few seconds because everyone was watching us. They all applauded and everyone when down to eat some breakfast but me because I had to get out of my suit. I quickly got changed and when to get all the camera's that I have placed. Once I did that I when downstairs and ate some breakfast. I went to put my plate in the sink and Stef said

Stef: Zach, when is your prom??

Zach: Tonight at 6 -12 pm why?

Stef: Because I have nothing and I need a bit of time to get it done

Zach: Don't worry, My mum, you and Reese are going in 10 minutes to the mall to get everything done. I won't be home when you come back, so you can get ready in my room

Stef: Fine, ok

She gets up and walks into my room to get her things and leaves with my mum and Reese.

Stef's Pov

I get up at around 8:03 am and find that Zach isn't here. I try to fall back asleep for a few minutes but it was no use. I heard the door open so I decided to see who it is, and it's Zach. He looks at me and says

Zach: Morning babe, Did I wake you up??

Stef: No, I woke up 2 minutes ago and tried to go back to sleep but it's no use. Why are you up so early??

Zach: I woke up and couldn't fall asleep again so I just went to get some breakfast

Stef: Ok, I'm going to get breakfast and are we doing anything today??

Zach: You're going out with my mum and Reese

Stef: Ok cool, sounds fun

I get up and heads downstairs because I'm hungry and wanted breakfast. Myta tells me to wait a few minutes because she was still cooking breakfast. She looks up then quickly puts a plate in front of me. I thank Myta and was that it had some writing on it. I read what was on the pancake and got really confused, I did what it said and saw Zach in a tux holding a sign. It says "will you go to prom with me??" as I'm reading it I put my hand over my mouth, I stand and run up the stairs towards Zach. Once we are standing face to face I say a bit fat yes and gave him a hug. Then Reese and Ryan come out of the room and blast the confetti bombs causing me to jump. Zach lets out a little laugh but then kisses me passionately, I kiss him back but then he pulled back. Everyone was watching us and I felt a bit embarrassed because we kissed in front of his parents. Everyone started to clap and I went back down to eat my breakfast. Zach went to his room because he needed to change. After a bit, he came down and had some breakfast. I finished and started washing up but when Myta saw me, she told me to stop because I'm a guest and I shouldn't be cleaning.

I wait until Zach finishes eating then I ask

Stef: Zach, when is your prom??

Zach: Tonight at 6 -12 pm why?

Stef: Because I have nothing and I need a bit of time to get it done

Zach: Don't worry, My mum, you and Reese are going in 10 minutes to the mall to get everything done. I won't be home when you come back, so you can get ready in my room

Stef: Fine, ok

I was freaking out at this point because I didn't have a dress. I never wear a dress but when I do, I like to go full out. I get up and head to Zach's room and get my things. I go downstairs and Myta, Reese and I head to the car. About 20 minutes later we arrive at the mall and head towards a clothing shop. I tried on so many dresses until I come across one particular dress, But they didn't have my size. Fortunately, there was a person in the back who alters dresses so we went over. In 5 minutes he had gotten all my measurements and we left to go to the nail and hair salon. It took them 2 hours to do my hair and nails which may I add is crazy ridiculous. I didn't need to do anything else so we all decided to go home and to get ready.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Authors note: 2 chapters in one day. I hope y'all like it and sorry for being so inconsistent, I'll try be better

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