Meeting WDW - Part 2

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It got a little cold and Daniel saw that I was cold so he offered me his jacket. I refused because then he would get cold and I would feel bad for taking his jacket. He told me he was hot and didn't want it. I finally gave in and took it while thanking him.

D: You look good in my jumper.

S: Thanks, well guess who's better looking now (running off)

D: We'll see about that (running after me)

I stop cause I'm out of breath and Daniel finally grabs me not realising that I can't breathe until I start coughing continently. Everyone comes over and I try telling them to get my bag. Zach understands and quickly runs to the car to grab my bag. He comes back giving it to me and I take out my asthma puffer and inhale it. About 10 minutes later I felt fine and we all decided to go back to the boy's house. The boys fell asleep in the car and I lay my head on Zach's shoulder cause he was around the same height as me and was comfortable. 15 minutes later I woke up to see that Corbyn staring at me and Zach. I grabbed my headphones and started messaging my friends on Snapchat. We just pulled into the boy's house and everyone woke up. We walked inside and decided to play truth or dare, then we went around the room saying a fact about ourselves until dinner arrived. Before dinner arrived there was a knock at the door and Corbyn went to get it. When he opened the door he saw Christina and she jumped on him, kissing him. He came back in and introduced me to Christina but I already knew who she was and told her that I was a fan. And that's when Logan came in and said that the logang have reached the goal for me to start a YouTube channel.

S: OMG seriously!!

L: Yep have a look

I got up from where I was sitting and ran over to Logan. I was amazed by how many people liked and commented saying they wanted me to start a YouTube channel.

S: Guys guess what

Z: What? and everyone looked at me and Logan like we had gone insane.

S: Logan and I made a deal that if he got half a million likes/comments on his last video, I would make a YouTube channel and surprisingly enough it just happened.

Everyone congratulated me and Christina asked me if I needed any help and I just nodded my head. I saw my mum come in and I pulled her aside to ask/tell her something.

S: Mum, just say hypothetically someone was running for about a minute then they just constantly keep coughing for about 10 minutes until they use their puffer. Is that an asthma attack?

Mum: Yes that is an asthma attack and I'm calling the Dr.

S: How did you know that it was me??

Mum: who else has asthma?

S: Right (I felt like someone was staring at me, so I hugged my mum so I could try and see who was looking at me. I didn't find out)

I walked back in, had my medicine and got some food when Zach asked me what was that about. I told him that I told my mum I had an asthma attack. He asked if I was ok then just kept eating. After we finished there we had a mini bonfire and we were laughing and talking until Logan wanted to go back to his apartment. I said goodbye I'll see you tomorrow to the boys and left their house.

Author's Note: Thank you all so much for reading. 100 reads this is amazing, when I first made this book I never thought that anyone would read it so thank you all. Love you xx
- Stef

(12 July 2017)

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