Back To School

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Stef's Pov

Today was the first day back for term 3. I was so excited to see my friends but not excited to go back to school. I got up at 6 am, got into my school uniform and left. People came up to me asking for a photo I said I couldn't cause I'm wearing my school uniform and if I did I would be expelled. I told them if they ever saw me to bring a spear jumper or t-shirt so I could put it over the top of my uniform. My fans were so nice and some said they ship me and Zach. I had met this one girl who was a big fan of WDW and myself. We took a photo and I asked her if she could take over my WDW fan account. She said Yes and we changed a few settings. I still kept it and the username and passwords were the same but she would post for the most part. 

 At one stage a lot of people came up to me asking for a photo (before/after school), so I made a video saying that if you see me in my school uniform, at family events, or find my house to please not come up to me and ask for a photo cause that's me time and I'm just a teenager like you so I need a bit of privacy. If you see me out and not in my uniform for with my family at events, feel free to stop me and ask for a photo cause I love you guys and I love meeting you. I sign off and start editing the video. It took me forever to say I love you without shuddering cause I don't really say it, but when I do say it, I mean it.

*The next day*
I get home from school and I decide to call Zach to see how he is doing.

Stef: Hey Zachy

Zach: Hey Stef

Boys rush over

Stef: Hey boys

Jack: Hey, how's my best friend doing

Stef: I'm good, how's are my best friend doing

Daniel: Hey I thought I was your best friend

Corbyn: I guess you just got replaced

Jonah: Don't worry Daniel you still have me

Daniel: Haha take that Stef, Jonah replaced you for me

Stef: Fine, Corbyn you are now my new older brother

Corbyn: That's fine by me

Zach: Guys, can I have phone back

Jack: Yea sure. There you go lovebirds

Stef: Oh shut up Jack

We talk for a bit then Zach says something I didn't expect

Zach: I love you

There was a long pause

Zach: Stef, are you there

Stef: Um Zach I have to go

I end the call before Zach could say anything else. I loved him but I didn't think he would have said it this early in the relationship. I didn't know what to do. I wasn't ready to say it back. I just start to cry.

Zach's Pov

Zach: I love you

There was a long pause

Stef: Um Zach I have to go

Stef ended the call before I could say anything and I felt my heart break a little. Maybe I rushed into it? Maybe she got scared?? Did I just ruin our relationship?? I keep over thinking of why she acted the way she did. Jack came into the room and knew instantly I was upset. I told him what happened and he told that she was probably just shocked. I go to my bed and click onto my messages, I message Stef saying sorry about what I said and to call me ASAP. I slowly drift off to sleep.

Stef's Pov

I finally stop crying after 5 minutes and I message Jack cause I didn't know what to do.

Stef: Jack I don't know if Zach told you what happened but I don't know what to do

Jack: Zach told me what happened. Why did you do that??

Stef: I was scared, I've never really used those words and when I do it's really hard. I know that he loves me but I don't think I'm ready to say those words.

Jack: Stef I get it but the next time you talk to him you have to tell him that, he was devastated and thought that he ruined your relationship

Stef: What did I do?? This is all my fault??

Jack: This is no one's fault, you guys just need to talk

Stef: Thanks, Jack you always know what to say

Jack: I'm always gonna be here if you ever need me

I get a text from Zach apologising about what he said and to call him, so I called him. He didn't answer so I decided to text him saying to call me when he gets the chance and that he doesn't need to apologise for anything.

Zach's Pov

I woke up an hour and a bit later and looked at my phone. I saw that Stef had called and texted me so read the message then called her. She answered straight away.

Zach: Hey

Stef: Hey, wait a min I need to turn off Teen Wolf. Ok I'm back and I'm so sorry about what I did, I was scared. I'm also sorry that I have upset you, I didn't mean to

Zach: Don't worry, you don't need to apologise

Stef: Yes I do, I was scared because I've never really said it to anyone and I don't think I'm ready to say it just yet.

Zach: It's ok there's no rush but I'm sorry for making you feel like you had to say it

We talked for a little bit then I had to go cause the boys and I were going out for dinner

Authors note:  Hope you guys like it and make sure to comment your thoughts. Add me on instagram at whydontwe_779. I hope you all have a good day/night xx

- Stef

(29 September 2017)

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