Going To Paris

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Stef's Pov

I have packed my and Jordan's bags and are placing them in Christina's car. I have said goodbye to the other girls last week when we met for coffee. We get to the airport and she helps me check in. Since we have an hour before I go, we decided to Starbucks. I feed Jordan and Christina tells me to call her every day and how she is going since I haven't seen her in a few days. When my flight gets called, I say goodbye to Christina and hug her before I head off. Jordan and I go through security and surprisingly Jordan didn't cry the whole time cause he doesn't like loud noises and it was loud. When we took off Jordan started to cry and as soon as we could take off our seatbelts I got him to calm down.

*skips the boring flight*

We finally made it to Paris. I got mine and Jordan's luggage and Jordan and got off the plane. We didn't need to go to luggage claim because I didn't put any bags through and instantly found Jonah. We hugged and Jonah took Jordan from me and flew him like an aeroplane. The boys still had to share a room beside Jonah because he had told the guys about the proposal and every stop they had they would all take turns in having the spare room. Jonah had gotten the key to Zach's room so I put all my stuff in there and we started planning my surprise and Jonah's proposal. With a lot of convincing, we got the top part of the Eiffel Tower rented it out for 4 hours. 2 hours before the show so I can get everything set up and 2 hours after the show tomorrow. (This is how it's going to set it up)

I put all the stuff needed for tomorrow into Zach's room with the rest of my stuff. Now it was time to surprise Zach. The other boys were at sound check and Jonah was at the hotel with me because he told them that he needs to organise his proposal. We got into the taxi and made our way to the place where they are performing and sneaked our way in without any fans noticing. Jonah took Jordan so that the boys can hug me to death when they see me. Jonah walks in before me and they all looked confused when they saw him holding Jordan. I step out of his shadow and say 'Hey guy'. They were shocked but ran off stage and tackled me into a huge hug then they attacked Jordan but Zach stayed with me. The boys continued with their sound check and soon it was time for the show to start.

*skips to after the show*

The show finally finished and the boys did an amazing job. And the crowd was crazy. The boys came backstage and Zach took Jordan from me. I hugged the boys and said they were amazing cause they were. Then all of a sudden the most unexpected thing happened.

Jordan: Pa - Papa

Zach: OMG he said his first word and it was papa!!!

Stef: Aww, He's growing up so fast

Soon after we went back to the hotel. I got changed and changed Jordan and put him the portable pram. I didn't have to worry about waking up the boys because Jordan doesn't wake up in the middle of the night anymore unless he had a nightmare.

*the next day*

Jonah woke up early cause he was going to the airport to pick up his soon to be fiancée Tatum. We met up with them for brunch and it was a lot of fun. I told Zach what I was doing so that he didn't think I was up to something and left right before the show started and left Jordan with Tatum. I quickly went to the hotel to get all the decorations, the engagement ring and choose an outfit for both of them. Then I went to the Eiffel Tower to set everything up. I also hired a bodyguard and showed the guy a picture of Jonah and Tatum so that he knew that this was for them. Once that was over and done with I go back to the show with the outfits. I came back at the half break and put the outfits in a place where no one will see them and a "do not touch" sign so no one touches it. I hug all of them and whisper in Jonah's ear to tell him that everything is ready and set. I then go over to Zach and kiss him. Jordan looks over and tries to talk but fails miserably, then starts crying and holding out his hands towards me. I grab him and he stops crying.

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