Tour Part 2

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Stef's Pov

We have been on tour for a few weeks now and it is beautiful seeing all the different cities. My favourite so far is London and Paris. I loved meeting the boy's fans and their accents were so cool. I've always loved people who have an accent, I don't know why but I do. Now we are on our way to Sydney Australia to do the Australian tour. This is their second time here and we are staying longer cause tickets sold out so fast they kept releasing more dates. We all got off the plane and was getting our bags from the baggage claim. We went through security and I saw my parents waiting for us as we were walking down the ramp. We all said hello and fans started coming to us asking to take a photo and to sign a few things. We kindly did both and had a little conversation with them. When we left we had to go into multiple cars, seeing as there was a lot of us. We got to their hotels and I left to go back to my parents place.

*The next day*

Today is the boy's first performance and we are all so excited. I get up at 8:00 am, have a quick shower. I caught an Uber to the hotel and to my surprise everyone including Zach was up. We all head to breakfast then we went to do some sightseeing. I was having fun with the kids while the boys were taking photos for Instagram. Without realising the boys and the parents were video recording us and putting it all over their social media. The girls and Ryan loved me like their older sister which made me so happy. I loved each and every one of them and wouldn't trade them for the world.

After dinner we all went back to the hotel and talked for a little bit then I went home. Zach texted me a cute goodnight text and I went to sleep. A few hours later I was woken up by a call from Myta.

*phone call conversation*

Myta: Hey Stef, I am so and truly sorry for waking you up this late but can you do me a huge favour. It is ok if you say no

Stef: It's no problem and of course, I would do anything for you or your family

Myta: Reese had a really bad nightmare and won't go to sleep unless you're here. I've tried and Zach has tried but nothing worked

Stef: Ok, I'll be right over. Maybe in 10-20 minutes

Myta: Ok, thank you and bye

Stef: No problem, bye

*end phone conversation*

I get up and out of bed and see that my dad is still up. I tell the situation and said it was fine for me to go and to stay there cause it's so late. 10 minutes later I get to the hotel and Myta opens the door for me. I give her and Zach a hug before going over to where Reese is. She told me about her dream and I said that there is nothing to be scared or worried about. I sang her a song so she could calm down and had fall asleep. I got up and off the bed carefully so that Reese wouldn't wake up and Myta thanked me. I asked her if it was ok if I stayed over cause it was late and I ended up sleeping with Zach which wasn't a surprise. Zach thanked me and told me how lucky he was to have me in his and families life. I cuddled up in his chest and fell asleep to the smell of him that I loved so much.

*The next day*

I woke up to an empty bed with a note. I opened it up and read 'We don't have a show until late and I wanted to make this day special so put on the outfit I had chosen for you (I know it's your favourite) and go down to the lobby where you're next clue is. Btw I love you - Zach' I smile and get up and put on the outfit Zach had chosen. He was right about this being my favourite I thought. I grab my bag, phone, keys and note and head downstairs to see Jonah and Svea waiting for me. I go up to them and Jonah gives me a yellow rose and a note. I read the card and it says 'I guess you found your first clue. The yellow rose represents all of the happiness and joy you have and what you bring into my life. I wouldn't want to spend it with anyone else. Now your next clue is going to the place where it is filled with one of you're favourite food/junk' I thought about my favourite food and instantly knew what he was talking about. I say goodbye to Jonah and Svea and take an Uber to Max Brenna.

Once I got there, I saw Daniel standing in one of the corners looking really uncomfortable. I go over to him and he gave me a big hug saying thank you because he really didn't want to be in a room full of chocolate. He then hands me a purple (lavender) rose and a note. I told him he could leave if he wanted and he didn't object. He kissed my cheek and left. I opened the note and it said 'Don't be mad at me but I forced Daniel to be there. This rose represents my love and loyalty to you. You have shown me how loyal you are to friends and family. You have such a loving heart it's hard not to hate you. Your next clue is, go to the first place you took us when we first came to Sydney. I'll give you a hint, it starts with the letter S., Oh and btw you have an order with the name Zach. And I love you ~ Zach' I go up to the counter and say I have an order from the name Zach and they hand me a milk hot chocolate. I order an Uber and told them to take me to the Sydney Opera house.

When I see Jack standing where I told them they would perform one day. I go up to him and he hands a yet again a note and a peach coloured rose. I read the note and it says 'Sorry I made you come all this way but this was the first place you took us too and told us that one day we will be performing in here which is going to come true in a few days. This peach rose represents your modesty and how you keep me grounded. You haven't changed much when you became famous and you kept reminding me to be thankful. and when I say change I mean you grew more confident and you go more out of your comfort zone. Your next clue is to go to the place where I met your best friends. Also I love you ~ Zach'. Great I thought, I had to go back to my high school. I said goodbye to Jack and he gave me a peck on the cheek.

I made my way to the school to be greeted by Corbyn. We said hello and he gave a note and a green (turquoise) rose, I open the note and read 'This rose represents how much you have grown. Throughout the years, you have faced many challenges and have overcome them. You have grown to accept what life throws that you and that's one of the things I love about you. Now, this is the last clue, so when we perform tonight I would like for you to wear something pretty and special and to have the roses with you. Btw I love you always and forever - Zach'. I say goodbye to Corbyn and head home to get changed into something pretty.

When I had finished getting ready, I wait until it was time to go to the concert. When the time had come, I got my bag, phone and roses and told the taxi where to take me. I went backstage to where the boys were and asked if I could take a picture with them before the meet and greet started. I got a picture with them and all of the families and the concert started the concert started and about halfway through the show, the boys told me to come out on stage.....

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Authors note: (7 September, 2018)

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