Tour Surprise Part 2

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Stef's Pov

I get into a taxi and show him the address that Jonah had sent me. There wasn't much conversation with the taxi driver but I didn't mind. We reached the destination and I paid the man. I got my bags and headed over to Bill.

Stef: Hi name is Stefania but everyone calls me Stef. Um, Jonah told me that -

Bill: Ah yes, the boys talk about you all the time and Jonah told me you were coming. Here let me help you with your bags

Stef: Are you sure, it's a bit heavy

Bill: It's no problem at all

Bill grabs my bag and shows me the tour bus. He then told me where I was going to be sleeping when on the road.

Stef: Thank you so much, Bill, Do you mind if I have a rest because I didn't sleep on the plane?

Bill: Sure, I'll be here if you need me and if the boys come back and you're still sleeping then I'll call you

Stef: Thank you for everything

Bill: It's my pleasure

He left me and I went over to the spare bunk and fell asleep straight away. I had my alarm set to 1 in the afternoon. I woke up and felt so refreshed. I brushed my teeth and hair and changed into a crop top, Zach's jacket, some tights and my Nike Airs. I was then taken to where the guys were performing. They did an early show today and I was so excited. I Had brought Daniel, Jack and Jonah's present because I'm not there for their birthdays. Even though Daniel's birthday has passed 2 months ago. I put them on their bunks and left. I arrived at the place where they were performing and messaged Jonah.

Stef: Hey Jonah, I'm downstairs and don't know where to go

Jonah: Ok, I'm coming down now. Put your hoodie up and go on your phone so that no one can see you

Stef: Ok

I do what Jonah tells me to do and luckily no one notices me. I then feel a tap on my should and I look up to see who it was. Jonah was behind me with a big smile and I gave him a hug. He quickly and quietly brought me up to a spare room. He then put up a sign that says "Do not enter, under any circumstances". The room was small but was good for me. It had food and a charging cable. It also had a TV so I put it on but put the volume to a minimum. After a bit, I get a call from Zach.

Stef: Hey Zach,

Zach: Hey Stef, how was work yesterday??

Stef: It was so boring and long. I'm just glad it's over. How's tour? I heard that you're a bit down, are you ok??

Zach: Tour has been great, I love seeing all the fans. But I miss you like crazy so I'm a bit bummed

Stef: Don't worry Zach, you'll see me soon and whenever you get down just call me. I'm always going to be here, no matter what. Okay??

Zach: Okay but what if it's 3 am and your sleeping??

Stef: I don't care, call me. You're more important than sleep

Zach: Fine, I promise I will. Oh I have to go now, I'm about to go on stage

Stef: Ok have fun

We end the call and after Zach goes out on stage, Jonah messages me to come backstage. I put my phone in my back pocket and head backstage. I get backstage and see Jonah and the boys on stage. He looks over to me and when the song finished he announced that he had something special.

Jonah: Hey everyone, How are you all doing tonight??

Everyone: Good

Jonah: Well, I have a special surprise for everyone. Especially to the boys and Zach. Do you want to see it

Everyone: Yeah!

Jonah: Oh, I couldn't hear that. Do you guys want to see it

Everyone: YEAH!!!!!!

Jonah: Ok, you guys asked for it

With that, I run out on stage. The boys saw me and tackled me into a hug and the crowd went crazy. We got up and I hugged all the boys individually until I got to Zach, who kissed me and twirled me around. I grabbed Zach's microphone and said

Stef: Hey everyone, I just came out to say hi to you all and the boys but now I'm gonna go so I hope you all enjoy the rest of the show and peace

I give Zach his microphone and run off the stage they then start singing "I Depend On You" Zach continues to look at me every now and then which causes me to blush. Once the concerts over the boys head to their room. They cleaned themselves up a bit then went to the limelights. The limelights only last for 15 minutes but it was cool hanging out with the fans. They were all so talented and so passionate about what they do. We got to Corbyn's house and I was introduced to his mum Saskia (idk if that's his mother's name. if you know please comment it down below), his brother Jordan and his sister Ashley. Christina was also there, looking very pregnant. They were all so nice and asked me if I wanted to hang out with them tomorrow when the boys are rehearsing and I said yes. We ate dinner and played some board games. Zach and I left early because we wanted some one on one time before I left. We went to the closest coffee shop and ordered a hot chocolate. We talked about some randoms, tour and school. Zach had to do one more assignment then he finished whereas I have to do two more terms and some test to go along with it. We stayed there until 10 pm then headed, hand in hand back to the bus/house. When I got on the bus I got attacked by Jonah, Jack and Daniel.

Stef: Hey guys

Jonah, Jack, Daniel: STEF!!!!!!

We all fell to the ground

Stef: Guys, get off me. I can't breath

Jonah, Jack, Daniel: Ok, fine

They get off me and Zach picks me up off the floor

Stef: What was that for??

Jonah, Jack, Daniel: For these

They showed me the presents I got them

Jonah: You didn't need to get us anything

Stef: I know but I wanted to. So happy late birthdays and happy early birthday Jack

Jonah, Jack, Daniel: Thank you so much

Daniel: How did you know I wanted a drone

Stef: You wouldn't stop talking about it whenever I was on a call with Zach

Daniel: Ok and thank you. You are officially the best person ever, well besides my mum

Stef: I feel honoured

Jack: Wait a minute, the trio is back

Zach: Oh no

Daniel: Oh yes, on three

Stef: One... Two..... Three

Daniel, Jack, Stef: The best friends have been reunited WHOOOOO!!!!!!

We all start laughing. As it was late the boys and I went to bed. I got changed, brushed my teeth and went to my bunk. Zach soon joined me and we cuddled.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Authors note: (18 July, 2018)

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