Going Home To Dallas

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Zach's Pov

The next day I wake up at 9 and went downstairs to have some breakfast. I called my friends and asked if they were doing anything later. They said no then I asked them if they wanted to hang out later and they said yes. I got off the phone, went back to my room and got changed. I felt really down because I already miss everyone so much. I started watching Youtube because there was nothing much to do. I decided to call Stef to see how she was doing.

*face time conversation*

Stef: Hey cutie

Zach: Hey babe, how was the first night at Jack's

Stef: It was alright, but we didn't do anything cause as soon as my face hit the pillow, I was out like a light

Zach: That's good, are you going to do something today??

Stef: Idk .......

Jack: Stef, some of my friends are coming over in 20 minutes and they want to meet you, you in??

Stef: Yea I'm in. Idk just turned into a day out with Jacks friends. How was your first day without me and are you doing anything today?

Zach: My first day without you is sad and boring but I'm having a fun time with my family and friends. And later I'm going to bring my brother and sister to the park

Stef: Oh nice, tell everyone that I said hi

Zach: I will and I have to go because my mum wants me. I love you

Stef: Ok, have fun and I love you too

*end of FaceTime call*

I ended the call because my mum said she needed my help with something. I went downstairs helped my mum then my friends had arrived. We first went to get an ice cream because it was really hot today then we went around and shopped. Well more like we got kicked out to the stores. A bit later we went back to my house and played some games. My friends left and I decided to bring my brother and sister to the park.

Zach: Reese and Ryan, do you want to go to the park??

Reese/Ryan: Yes!!

Zach: Ok, put your shoes on and let's go

I told my mum I was going to take Reese and Ryan to the park and she told me to be back before dinner time. We headed off towards the park. I get there and the girl I had met a few weeks ago was also there. We talked while our brothers and sister played. She seemed really cool but matured. It got around 5 and Reese, Ryan and I head back home. I have dinner and help mum clean. I'm trying to learn how to clean because one day I will move to LA with the boys and need to do things myself. My mum taught me how to use a washing machine and a dishwasher. They were really similar so it wasn't that hard to remember. I went to bed and after a while of trying Reese comes in and asked if she could sleep with me cause she had a bad dream. I said yes and she came in the bed with me. I asked about her dream and she told me when I told her that nothing is going to happen because I right next to her. I sang to her so she could fall asleep. This reminds me of Stef and how much I miss her and that I can't wait to see her in a few months to ask her to....

Authors note: Sorry that this is a short chapter and on a cliffhanger but you'll find out soon to what it will be and if you have a feeling you know what it is comment down below. You won't know about this cliffhanger for a while but I might leave some hints in some chapters.

BTW HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!!!! I don't really like this day because I feel like its a waste of money but still

- Stefania xx

(14 February 2018)

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