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Stef's Pov

It's a week until I start University so I went to go get some things. (Another thing different to America is that we don't live in dorms/little apartments for university/college) The first shop I went to was Officeworks I bought some books and stationery. I had already bought my textbooks for my classes. The classes I was taking is Creative Writing, Photography, Science studies (biology, chemistry and physics), Child studies and Business studies.

*Ships a few weeks of school*

I was on the bus and I saw my friend Adrian from primary school. We had close touch in high school but still saw each other on our way to school. We went to the same university but only ever looked at one another when we saw each other. He was looking at me and I found it hard not to look back but then Jack texted me. Jack has been messaging me non stop about Sydney and what I have been doing every day. I was kind of getting suspicious but left it and didn't think much about it.

*text message conversation*

Jack: Hey Stef

Stef: Hey Jack

Jack: What are you up to??

Stef: Nothing much, just about to get on my bus and someone I know keeps staring at me. What have you been up to ??

Jack: Nothing much and are you going to the one on Norton street or to the university??

Stef: Norton Street and why are you asking??

Jack: I just wanted to see how my best friend is doing. Oh and btw I have to go to for about 10 - 20 minutes cause Isla needs my help

Stef: Ok and tell her I said Hi and that I miss her

I close my phone and get off the bus and so does Adrian. We see now waiting for the next bus to come and a why don't we song comes on so I discreetly dance to it

*Text message conversation*

Jack: What song are you listening to??

Stef: I'm listening to this song 'Talk' by this amazing band called Why Don't We. You should check them out sometime. I think they will blow you away

Jack: I've heard of them. I hear that the curly headed boy is the hottest out of them all

Stef: Really cause I've heard that the young, red cheeked boy was the hottest

Jack: 😂😂 anyways nice dance moves

Stef: How do you know I'm dancing

Jack: Turn around

I turn around and saw Jack at the end of the street. I was shocked at first but then ran up to him. We hugged and went back to where I was standing. Adrian was staring at us the entire time and Jack asked if he was the person who was looking at me before and I said yes. My bus comes and we get on, Adrian still staring at me. Jack had, had had enough and turned around and said

Jack: Bro, can you stop staring. It's rude and annoying. I know you used to know Stef but you were the one to stop talking to her so either move on or do something about it

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