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*4 years later*

Stef's Pov:

Stef: They are growing up so fast. It felt like only yesterday that Jordan and Alessia were born. Now they're going off to elementary school

Christina: I know and I can't believe how close they are. Do you think when they're older they will fall for each other??

Stef: I don't know, I think Jordan is going to grow up to be something different to everyone in the family

Christina: How do you know??

Stef: I don't know but I can feel it

We arrive at the elementary school and get out of the car. I go to grab Jordan but he knows that I'm going to leave him with strange people so he is fighting me.

Jordan: I don't want to

Stef: Come on baby. You have Alessia and if it's that bad I won't let you go for so many days and I will bring you some chocolate when I pick you up

Jordan: Promise??

Stef: I promise

Jordan: Ok fine but I'm only doing this for you and chocolate

Stef: I know and I love you for it

Jordan: I love you too mummy

He kisses me and holds Alessia's hands while walking in.

Christina: Wow

Stef: I know

We get back to the car and go to have breakfast. We catch up since we haven't seen each other for 2 weeks since we're so busy and have our own lives. Amelia is with Zach today and today Christina and I are going to have a girls day. After breakfast, we head to the mall and get our nails and toenails done. I chose a nude colour for both my nails. We then go to some shops and buy some clothes. I make sure I buy some chocolate for Jordan and we leave to go pick them up since it's already 2:30 pm.

Jordan: Mummy, Mummy

He runs over to me.

Jordan: Mummy I made some new friends today

Stef: So you liked school??

Jordan: Yea, can I go back tomorrow??

Stef: Of course you can and guess what I have for you

Jordan: Chocolate!!

Stef: Yes, how did you remember. You're such a smart boy

Jordan: Can you have some with me

Stef: Only if you want me too

Jordan: Yes I want to share with you

Stef: Ok but we will share this in the car

Jordan: Ok

We get in the car and I give Jordan some chocolate and I also give some to Alessia and Christina. I say thank you to Christina for the day and for dropping us off. Jordan and I walk into the house to see Zach and Amelia running around the house.

Amelia: Jordan help me

She said while hugging Jordan. He hugged her back and Zach comes into the room. The two kids ran off and Zach put his hands around my waist, pulling me closer than kissing me. I smile at his cute action then release from the kiss. We go to see the kids and see them playing princesses. Jordan seems to be enjoying himself, especially in wearing a princess dress costume. He wore it for the rest of the night until he went into the shower. Zach and I stay up and kind of have a date night. We turn on Netflix and watched movies until we fell asleep. I rest my head on Zach's chest and cuddle up next to him. We talked and watched movies and soon I fell asleep and so did Zach. Later on that night at around 3 am, Zach woke up to see me peacefully sleeping and carried me carefully to our room. I woke up and see Zach carrying me.

Zach: Did I wake you up??

Stef: Yea but it's ok

He puts me down on our bed and we get changed into our Pyjamas. I then get into bed and so does Zach. I cuddle with him and he plays with my hair until we both fall asleep smiling.


Authors note: This is the end of the book. I might write another book that is a continuation of this book but it will mostly be in the children's perspective, well mostly Jordan's perspective. I'll post the sequel once I have a little break and come up with some ideas for it. Thank you to everyone who has read this book. When I first started writing I thought no one would ever read this but then I started getting 100 reads, 200 reads and my mind blew up. (not literally) I hope you have enjoyed this book and comment down below what you have thought about this book and I love you all. Stefania XX
(18 September, 2018)

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