Vancouver Part 2

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Stef's Pov

I sit back and start reading my book while listening to music. After a little bit, I got bored and I know Daniel did too. I booked marked my page and placed it back into my bag and turned to Daniel.

Daniel: Stef is everything ok??

Stef: Yea, I was getting bored and I know you were too. And I don't really like the silence

Daniel: Ok

We talked and became even closer until the rest of the guys arrived. Zach and Jack were in the back, Daniel and I were in the middle and Corbyn and Jonah are in the front. The car ride was mostly silent. I was still talking to Daniel to get my mind off things and to catch up because I felt like we haven't spent much time together lately. He told me that I was going to meet some of his friends later and tomorrow at the show. I got a little tired and put my head on his shoulder.

Daniel: You can fall asleep if you want, I'll make to wake you up and no one will take a photo of you

Stef: Thank you, Dani

Daniel: Anything for my favourite

I fell asleep shortly after but 10 minutes later I was woken up by the boys arguing. I kept my eyes closed cause I wanted to know why they were fighting. I guess Daniel told them and I was kind of thankful that he did because I didn't really want to.

Corbyn: Why did you do it. Out of anyone you could have hurt, why Stef??

Jack: She loves you and only you, why would you do that??

Jonah: She is such an amazing person and I think you might have just lost the best you could have

Zach: I know and I never wanted to hurt her. But I promise you that I would never cheat, especially on Stef. She is too important to me

Daniel: Yeah because you didn't completely ignore her all day

Zach: I didn't mean to. Maggie kept talking and I didn't want to be rude

Jonah: Rude!! did you know what Maggie told Stef when she gave her phone to her??

Zach: What are you talking about. They didn't talk at all today??

Daniel: Ah but Maggie did when were weren't looking. She told Stef that she was a pathetic loser who doesn't deserve us as friends. Then she said that you were only dating her because you felt sorry for her and that you will find someone better than her

Zach: Why would she say that and none of that is true. Stef is the most kind-hearted person I've ever met and she would do anything for the people she loves. And I know how you guys feel about her

Corbyn: Then why kiss Maggie??

Zach: That's the thing, I didn't kiss her, she kissed me. I would never kiss her

Jack: And yet you let it

Zach: I didn't know she was going to kiss me and she wouldn't let me go. Come on guys, you have to believe me, you know I would never do that

Corbyn: We want to believe you, really we do, but Stef is going through so much pain right now because of you

Then everything goes silent beside the little cries coming out of Zach. I wait for a little while then open my eyes.

Daniel: Hey sleepy, you sleep ok??

Stef: Yea and thanks again, you're comfortable to sleep on

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