[Assassin's Arc] Chapter 4

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[Still Shizuo's POV]


I woke up due to the loud, annoying sound of my alarm clock. I carefully tapped it silent so that it won't break.

It's 8:30 in the morning. I still have a lot of time.

Since I have my break today, I'm planning to go out with Tom-san originally. However, because of some nuisance, I had to cancel it. Tch! My day could have been better without her coming.

Instantly, I stretched my limbs out and got out of my bed, ate my bread, finished my routine, and took a short shower. I prefer late night showers better, though. Early showers kind of puts me out of mood.

When I opened my closet, I frowned. I don't have any other clothes besides my bartender uniform. I was never interested in buying clothes. Even last night, I didn't bother.

Wait up! Why should I bother?! This isn't a date!

I grabbed my wallet and left home at 9:15. I arrived at Simon's restaurant at 9:45 and she was already there, sitting next to a secluded table at the corner near the stairs, sipping tea.

"Oh," I mouthed when I saw her and she wasn't looking at me. I moved the drapes and stepped in.

She gracefully put down her cup of tea, aware that I came. She didn't look at me when she said, "You're late." Her statement has a sharp end.

"What are you talking about?" I answered back, looking at my wrist watch. "It's only 9:50, our meeting is at 10."

"I was waiting here for almost an hour!" she complained, "How could you make your girlfriend wait that long?!" She looked like she was about to shed tears.

Whoa! This girl is a real pain in the ass!

I sat across her. "You're not my girlfriend, so you don't have any right to complain to me even if I come here late." Or I don't come... I have every right to ditch you, bitch!

"Have you forgotten what happened yesterday?" she went on, "Didn't we just get together?"

"No. That wasn't what you said. You are here to apologize." I pointed the table, making a point while annoyed. "Don't make up stories. It's annoying."

"I'm not making up stories!" She slammed her clenched fists on the table and leaned on it, gritting her teeth on my face. "How rude of you! Accusing me?!"

"Oh, shut up, you ugly bitch!" I nearly shouted as I did the same thing she did. "You're fucking wasting my time!"

I was about to walk out when Simon opened the drapes. "Now, now," he began talking, smiling so obliviously. "Fighting is bad." He sat me down, much to my annoyance. I didn't say a word.

"Here is your order," he said as he put down two similar dishes on our tables. "Have fun and eat peacefully." He said one last time before he left.

"Uh-mhm." I put on an awkward smile and looked back at her. She was throwing a dangerous glare at me. I didn't flinch.

When I looked down at my dish, I'm surprised she got my favorite. "I'm digging in," I said as I started munching. I didn't care about the ethics or how I would look in front of her. Who is she anyway? A self-proclaimed girlfriend?!

Wait... she knows my favorite. Maybe she's a stalker after all...

"Hey," she called. I snapped out of my trance. "I'm paying for that, so don't you complain."

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