A/N 2: First Transition of Arcs

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Okay, everyone! The first arc, the "Assassin's Arc", is finally finished! Phew! Tell me what you guys think and also, please tell me your ideas so that this story will be more interesting and likeable. But I will have to weigh them down first if they can reinforce the story based on my imaginary outline. If I use your idea, I will credit you and mention your name at the first chapter I used your idea(s) on.

Next arc will be the "Berserker's Arc". (F/n) will no longer be an assassin. Instead, she will be involved with the Legendary Alan Berserker and his wife Aliyah. She will be returning to Shizuo as well. :) Please prepare for (F/n)'s come back! This will be a blast! I'm sooo excited!! If this arc goes really well and readers get to enjoy this, I will include the third arc. I've thought about the title and it's gonna be "Claudia's Arc". As you notice, I enjoy making an alphabetical trend. XD The original story is supposed to end in the first arc as a one-shot, but the story couldn't be compressed, so I wrote several chapters.

The regular update will still be monthly since the author is... of course, a student. :D I will try to add new characters such as characters from Seasons 2 and 3 (X Shou and X Ten), but of course, I will only include those who will play a huge role in the story. It's not that easy to make them fall in love, so I'll be working hard in this story.

I know that my initial proof readings have many openings and I still have to go through them. I accept compliments (of course XD) and creative criticisms as long as they will be helpful and not insulting. I look forward to reading your comments and getting your opinions, readers. I know it's not easy to write or read a story with pretty slow updates, but I hope we make this through until the very end.

Thank you very much and I love you all! <3

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