[Claudia's Arc] Chapter 4

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[Celty's POV]

"You saved me, Celty-san!" a drenched (F/n) exclaimed at me, hugging her bag while smiling at me. By the looks in her eyes, she didn't get enough sleep. She must have also cried a lot. Shizuo was with her last night. I wonder what happened.

(F/n) began to quiver. Her clothes molded to her frame. I snapped out from my chain of thoughts and proceeded to ask her. "You don't look well. Should I get you home?" Obviously, she's not well. It's unusual for (F/n) to screw up like this. She's not the type of idiot who would love to get sick while drenched in rain water.

The girl shook her head. "I don't want to go home."

I sighed. It'll be best for her to go home, but if she doesn't want to, there's no choice. Besides, it looks like she has a lot on her mind. The cheerful (F/n) from yesterday have completely vanished.

I used my smoke to create a helmet for her. "Hop on my back. I'll take you to our apartment." She agreed and hopped on my back, securing her bag with one hand while holding my shoulder with the other. "Hang tight."

As I start the motor, Shooter neighed and dashed. The ground was very slippery and we embarked the main road in a very dangerous speed, violating the traffic laws. The police were able to track me down, much to my misfortune, but I was able to lose them in the chase.

As we got inside the apartment, Shinra welcomed us. "Celty! (F/n)! Welcome home." He's warm and joyful as usual.

We spread the wetness inside the apartment, which I cleaned. Because I made my clothes with my substance, it is waterproof. I didn't get wet and I don't have to take a shower. That's why I lent the shower room to (F/n) and gave her some clothes.

I was very worried about her. After I finished my transporting duty, I called her over and over through the phone to know what happened last time. She wasn't replying. All my calls are immediately cut off. I asked Shinra to call her too, but his calls aren't getting across.

I thought that (F/n) must be busy or must not want to receive a call, but over a period of time she wasn't responding, I figured that she's doing it on purpose. Something is wrong. I am afraid that she might do something out of hand and that is why I went out to search for her.

As soon as she got out of the shower, Shinra served her some hot coffee. "Drink something hot. It will warm your body."

She nodded as thanks and immediately took a sip, but because the temperature is quite unbearable, she squirt a little back on the cup and started to blow it. The smoke covers her face.

Shinra got back on his seat and decided to spend time with us and talk (F/n) out of her worries. "This is quite unusual for you, (F/n)," he said. "Is this some work problems?"

She nodded a little. "Partway, it is. I'm not doing as well as before at work."

"Didn't you just get a friend of yours promoted?" Shinra reminded her. "How can you say your work is deteriorating? Is it actually work that's putting you down?"

Since Shinra is expert at being an esper, I decided to just let him handle (F/n). I will intervene whenever I need to.

"Celty-chan told me Shizuo went to see you last night... How did it go?" Shinra asked while smiling. "What did he give you as a present? C'mon tell me! I wanna know."

I noticed that as Shinra push things to (F/n) about Shizuo last night, the more (F/n) is getting uncomfortable. She clenches her fist that is now trembling and she looks down to hide her face.

"Was it perhaps... something bad happened between you two?"

On the mark. (F/n) slowly puts down her cup and went completely silent. It took her time before she mustered the strength to speak. "Shizuo... he broke up with me."

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