[After Story]: Graduation

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"SMILE (Y/N) SMILE!" Mitsuki excitedly begged, taking probably her 100th picture of you.

"Mitsuki..." You sighed through another toothy grin. "I'm gonna be late for the actual ceremony..."


"HURRY THE FUCK UP YA OLD HAG, WE DON'T HAVE ALL DAY DAMMIT." Katsuki called out from next to his father. He had been irritated for a while with how many pictures Mitsuki had been making you pose for.

"Hush now you damn brat. Even you have to admit (y/n) looks stunning." She retorted while snapping another picture. Oh, he knew. He hadn't been able to take his eyes off you all day, appreciating one of the few times he got to see you in a dress.

Today was your last day as a UA student. After this, everyone would be going their separate ways. It was a bittersweet happiness.

"That's enough. Let's go already..." Katsuki growled, eventually taking your wrist and dragging you away from his doting mother.

"Ehh-! Okay... I'll see you after Masaru, Mitsuki!" You smiled, giving them both a small wave.

When you two were out of sight, Masaru turned to his wife, noticing a few stray tears cascading down her cheeks. He sighed and pulled a tissue from his pocket.

"Mitsuki dear."He grinned, gently whipping under her eyes. "You're crying again."

"I'm n-not crying you damn idiot-" She sniffled.

- - -

"Oi, what the hell do you look so nervous for." Katsuki huffed. "You literally have to walk up onto a stage and grab a piece of fucking paper."

"Yeah, but there's stairs between me and that paper!" You stammered nervously. "That in combination with the heel on these shoes makes for a difficult combina-"

He pressed his lips against yours only for a moment, just enough to shut you up.

"I'm pretty sure you've gotten through worse." He chuckled, placing his hand on top of your head and pressing another kiss to your forehead. "Relax."

Maybe it was because it didn't feel real. Maybe it's because at one point you never thought you could be a hero. They were good nerves. They meant that you were here, waiting in that tunnel alongside all your other classmates. And when you stepped onto that field, the whole world would cheer.

Because you made it.

You would become a hero, one who would live for protecting the world, something that used to feel like an unattainable dream. But now it sat on that platform in the form of a simple handshake and congratulations.

"Hey lovebirds!" Ochaco teased. "Stop sucking face and line up! We're going out soon!"

Katsuki pushed you away in a hurry.

"WE AIN'T DOING SHIT YOU DAMN ROUND FACED PRICK." He growled, walking away to line up behind his best friend.

Some things never change.

Kirishima turned slightly, whispering into Katsuki's ear.

"So. You gonna ask after the ceremony?" He quietly chuckled.

"Shut up..." Katsuki muttered, a flush forming over his cheeks. "I'll decide on that later dammit..."

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