Dangerous - Tony

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         Tony sulked and wiped away a few tears as he picked up the broken pieces of glass on the floor after a few hours after the fight. It was now around 3 in the morning and the fight happened around 11 or so, giving you enough time to head to the medical bay.  

He picked up the shattered pieces of glass as one pricked his finger. Tonys eyes began to water more as he clutched his hand with the shard making him wince and drop the pieces as he looked at his bloody hand. You watched from the darkened hall as you walked towards him.

"Even though i hate you so much right now, why did you clutch your hand?" You asked leading him to the kitchen where you turned on the lights. "Im sorry" He said wiping his tears with his t-shirt. You sighed as you ran his hand under cold water making him flinch as you wrapped it up. Tony looked at your bandage hand as he felt sorry for what he did.

You tucked the end in on the wrap as you two stood in comfortable silence. A million things were going through his head as well as yours. the feeling of guilt and anger remained. "I wish that never happened" You spoke up looking at your feet. "I wish it never happened either"


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