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Logan's conversation jolted through me as I stalked through the hallways later that night. Only a few students bustled about. However it was Friday so I was sure that most students and pups alike were having sleepovers in each others rooms or were meeting outside for a late night basketball tournament.

I was glad it was Friday since that meant no more classes for two days. I had no desire to teach while I felt as blown up as a ballon. However my students were doing very well and now that Poultice was seeing the Professor everyday he seemed to getting a lot calmer. I hated seeing him in pain.

"Hey Starlight," called Echo as she darted forward, nearly colliding with my front leg. I lifted it up and nearly fell over from being off balance. I quickly caught myself and I shook my head to clear it.

"Woah," I chided as I straightened myself and looked down on Echo. "Where's the forest fire?"

Echo chuckled and her larger pointed ears perked up. "We're going to see Thruster," she explained as she bounced a bit when she spoke.

"And why is that," I asked as I raised a paw and tried to settle her down a bit.

Echo shook her head to clear it. "Why don't you come," she suggested as she pushed her head against my back leg.

I rumbled in amusement and took a step forward and she fell forward, yelping. She composed herself and leaped around my paws with her eyes gleaming. "Who's all going to be here," I asked as I looked down at Echo as she bolted around my paws rumbling.

"Keen, Poultice, Thruster, the Professor,Feldspar, and some others," she rambled as her fur spiked. "I think that he's having something for the end of the semester."

I nodded slowly. "It is that time of year, isn't it," I murmured as I lowered my head down and nudged her forward. "And what was your average?"

"B," replied Echo with a dip of her head. "However next semester I want to be a A!"

"Good girl," I praised as I licked her between the ears. "I'm very proud of you though. Not everyone could come into a new environment and do so well."

Echo shuffled her paws. "T-Thanks," he stammered with bright eyes. "I tried."

We suddenly steered into the Professor's room and I realized it was dark. "Come on," called Feldspar as he flicked his paw.

"What's going on," I asked as I stumbled forward with Echo plastered against my foreleg.

"We're having a combined party," replied Poultice as he flicked his ears upward. "For the end of semester one and for the Professor."

"Party for the Professor," I echoed as I ducked behind his desk and looked to Echo who sat across from me. "Why?"

"For everything that he's done for us," replied Smokestream as his ears flicked upward. "We don't know when his birthday is so this will have to do."

"That's very kind of you," I rumbled as I looked to Thruster who looked proud. I smiled since I knew it was probably his idea.

"Do you think he'll like it," asked Poultice as his tail flicked over his back and he pressed against Keen who's eyes were still trying to adjust to the darkness. He probably had only gotten there a few heartbeats before Echo and I.

"Of course I do," I rumbled as I leaned forward and licked Poultice's cheek.

Poultice drew back and blushed a bit. I rumbled in amusement and watched as he drew back and looked to Keen who was still trying to adjust to the lack of light. "When is he coming," asked Keen as he tapped his claws impatiently.

"Soon hopefully," replied Thruster as he flicked his tail a tip and a small flicker of light shown. He moved it over toward Keen who looked ready to dart around the room in impatience. "How about Keen scouts out and as soon as he sees Storm and the Professor then he'll transport back here."

Keen brightened and I flicked my tail. "Great idea Thruster!"

Keen strode forward and vanished. I knew he was probably using his wings and levitating above the door so I wasn't worried the the Professor could see us.

We waited for a while longer and eventually I saw Feldspar and Echo begin to make their own game of eye spy. It was dark so they tried to remember what was in the room and then Echo would used her echolocation to figure out if it was true or not. It was a very strange game but they were bored and they weren't being that loud so I allowed it.

Suddenly Keen appeared in front of my muzzle and I bolted back behind the desk. "He's coming down the hallway now with Storm, Rouge, and Logan!"

"Places," Thruster ordered as he killed the fire of light that he had on his tail. He leaped back behind the desk with Poultice and Keen struggling to fit behind him. Feldspar was right at the door so that he could turn the lights on while Echo was behind one of the smaller desks. She always liked to do her own thing.

The door suddenly opened a small bit and light from the hallway shone a bit and I blinked my eyes a few times. The door opened fully and I could picture the confused look on the Professor's face at why Storm, Logan, and Rouge had brought him to a dark room.

The Professor wheeled into the room and looked around. Suddenly Feldspar turned on the lights and the rest of us leaped out.


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