It Has Begun

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On the jet ride there it was uncomfortably quiet. I saw Bobby looking down with Poultice sitting beside him. Poultice whimpered and nudged Bobby's hand to try and encourage him. However he just nudged Poultice away and Poultice forced himself to look out the window.

I sighed heavily and prepared for the decent. When the jet landed we all padded out. I saw that numerous men were preparing for the attack from Magneto. They held their plastic weaponry but that wouldn't stop Erik for long.

I froze as I saw a bridge glide over the the water. They were coming to the island with hundreds of mutants on the bridge.

I, and the rest of the wolves, flew down from the building and landed lightly, looking around with bright eyes.

"Great Lupus," breathed Thruster as the crisp air made his fur puff out a bit more.

"You didn't tell us there'd be that many," complained Keen as his blue eyes rounded twice their usual size.

I was about to say something but Logan interrupted me. "

I nodded in understanding and padded about a pace from my mate's side. My fur bristling along my flank but it was disgusted by the uniform I wore to protect me. I looked down the line and saw all of the pups lining up. They looked so small compared to every one of us. Poultice and Keen were the oldest but they both didn't even reach my chest yet. I was afraid they would perish in this battle and it would be all my fault.

I let out a growl and saw hundreds of mutants. Doubt surged through me but I knew I was going to have to keep my cool about this. I looked to Logan and I gave a subtle nod. He then looked to Bobby, Kitty, and Colossus and I looked back to my pups.

Thyme and Poultice exchanged a glance and I wasn't sure what it meant. Keen and Echo exchanged a different glance and I saw Avery blink his eyes as if he couldn't believe what was right in front of him. Reed took in a huge breath and let it out so his nostrils billowed in terror. He would have to find courage somewhere since he was going to need every ounce of it.

I noticed Asphalt beside me and he actually looked the calmest out of everyone. I wondered if he had been in a battle like this before. Thruster also seemed a lot calmer than I expected. I felt his calmness flowing from his pelt and I took it in. I calmed down a bit and saw Tony standing beside Erik and Jean.

Suddenly I heard Erik say something and the mutants surged forward. My eyes widened before I let out a snarl and darted forward. My extra long claws and teeth extended and rage surged through me. I saw Logan claw at a lamppost and it fell on mutants, crushing their skulls and vital organs.

I surged into the air and clawed at a wolf's face. The wolf roared in pain and launched for my throat. I took a step back in shock and my fur lifted on my spine. The wolf's fangs made contact and he thrashed his head, ripping and tearing at my throat.

I let out a cry of pain and squeezed my eyes shut. I then reared on my hind legs with him still attached and threw him to the ground. The impact made his jaw snap open and I recoiled. My throat started to heal and the wolf's eyes widened to show the white. I let out a chuckle of pure amusement.

I then plunged my paws down on the wolf's chest until I heard the snap of ribs. The wolf croaked in pain before I sliced my claws against the life giving artery. The wolf's mouth gaped open as a small trail of blood trickled out.

I fluffed my fur. "You're not the only one with tricks," I spat before I used my senses and heard a wolf surging toward me.

I ducked quickly and the wolf's paw just nicked my ear. I looked up and saw a sandy colored she-wolf with blazing blue eyes. Rage wafted from her in unremarkable waves. I wasn't sure why she was so angry but I saw her swollen belly and realized she was expecting pups and he must have been the father.

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