Black Out

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I strode through the hallways of the school with Logan when suddenly all the lights went out. That was strange considering it wasn't raining or anything outside so it wasn't the weather. As far as I knew no mutant could do anything like this. However the probably of it actually being a fuse was unlikely as well.

"What happened," I asked as I squinted until my eyes adjusted to the lack of light. Once they did I could see even better in the dark than I could in the light.

"I'm not sure," murmured Logan but I could tell he was having a harder time seeing in the dark. I rushed forward and I was glad that the windows provided a little light but it seemed as if it was even a bit darker outside than before.

"Help me make sure my pups are okay," I called over my shoulder as I quickened my face. My heart leaped into my chest and I just wanted to make sure that nothing happened to my pups.

To my relief Logan followed and we bounded down the hallways. I skidded to a halt as I saw Echo and Keen standing together, their fur bristling in surprise. "Keen! Echo, are you two alright?"

Keen nodded slowly but Echo wasn't just going to nod and be done. "We were just walking and suddenly all of the lights went out."

"But the light bulbs aren't busted," added Keen as he pointed to a light fixture above us. "I checked."

"So the bulbs didn't go," I murmured as I tried to put the pieces together.

"But the light vanished from them," yipped Echo as she shuffled her paws and when she spoke it was almost so into her chest fur that I didn't hear it.

"You saw it," asked Logan as his gaze more down on the two pups.

Keen nodded. "Yeah the light seemed to leap from the bulbs, collect, and then they went this way." He surged forward and pointed his muzzle in the direction toward the cafeteria.

"Can you show us Keen," I asked hopefully and to my relief he nodded. He bunched his muscles before he surged forward with Echo following close behind. I decided to fly so I took right above them and flapped my wings madly. Logan bolted behind the pups.

We stopped at the entrance of the cafeteria which looked to be the only place that the lights were on. However it looked a lot brighter than it should have. It seemed like all the light from the school was in the cafeteria.

"Don't look right at the light," I told the pups sternly. "It could blind you."

Echo and Keen nodded before they snaked forward, their heads lowered. I strode in next and I positioned myself so that my shoulder blocked the harmful light. Logan strode after me with his hand shielding his eyes. I saw that there seemed to be a circle around the light and whoever or whatever was controlling it.

"We need in there," I howled above the noise. I looked over to Keen who sighed. He strode over and sunk his teeth into Echo's scruff, sunk his claws into my shoulder, and wrapped his tail around Logan's leg. He teleported us to the middle of the group where my pups stood.

I saw Thyme, stiff with shock. Reed was beside her but he seemed to have been confused since thorn vines were holding him to the floor. Avery had turned the color of the room, complete black. However Murk seemed undisturbed. She strode toward the light and stretched out her paw. The light leaped into her eyes and when she opened them they shone just like stars. She turned them around in excitement and wagged her tail.

"What are you doing," asked Poultice from beside Thyme. "This is dangerous!"

"Not it's not," argued Murk in a light tone as she spiraled around and hit Poultice with the bright light. He yelped and looked away. She frowned before motioning to her eyes. "I can see everything. I can see through things and far away. Isn't that incredible!"

Poultice bristled his fur. "Please tell me that's all you can do."

Murk raised a paw and the light traveled through her. She aimed it at a wall and the light blasted it. Poultice gasped and when we all looked at the wall it was scorched. This wasn't just light that was used to see, it was light that could be used in battle.

"Murk," I barked as I surged forward, my tail lashing. "Murk what's going on?"

Murk pricked her ears. "Momma," she breathed in awe. "Momma I didn't mean to steal the light but did you see what I can do?"

I nodded slowly, still awed at the large ball of light from the whole mansion. "Yes I did see Murk but could you please put it back."

Murk nodded and lifted her paws together before she spread them apart. The light leaped back into lightbulbs all over the mansion. I even saw the light leap into a candle and I think she may have even stole some light from the sun. Once the large ball of light mass was gone and the mansion was broken from the black out the students and pups began to calm down. They murmured about what had just happened and I sighed. It was time. It was time to seek more help from the Professor.

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