Warnings From Poultice

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My eyes bore down on a student's paper. I looked at the mess of math equations in front of me and my mind drew a blank. This really wasn't a place where I excelled, math. I just want to say that I hate the human that invented math.

"Professor Starlight," asked the student as he looked up at me with round and blue eyes. He had the power to change the color of objects by changing the color of his eyes. I had no idea when that could be useful but far be it from me to judge a mutant by their powers. "Is everything alright?"

I blinked my eyes at the problem again. 3x = )6x-8x-5xp) 7x

I had absolutely no idea how to go about solving it. I was just glad I wasn't Logan. He had at least seven students crowding his desk, asking him millions of questions. I wasn't even sure if he knew how to multiply and divide let alone try to figure out a variable. I would have rather helped taught any class beside Algebra.

I flicked my ears upward when I suddenly heard my name. I turned and saw Poultice. His eyes were round with terror. I turned to the student and sent him to Logan, something I knew that I would pay for later. However this seemed to be important so I bounded toward the door and looked down on Poultice.

"Do you need something," I asked as I kinked my tail over my back. "How was lightspeed with Thruster."

Poultice's mind seemed to be elsewhere so I leaned forward and nudged him a bit. He turned to me with hollowed eyes and he shook his head vigorously. "S-Sorry. It was great but my mind kind of drifted and I managed to read Clutch's mind and he wants revenge on Thyme for freezing him and making him look like a fool. Him and he's goons are heading for your pups and I knew that I had to tell someone," he stammered.

I dipped my head before and idea clicked in my mind. "Hey how good are you at Algebra?"

Poultice seemed a bit taken back by the question. "Er okay I guess. I mean I have an A but-"

"That's all I need," I interrupted as I took a paw and ushered him in. "Could you help Logan with these students? They don't understand Algebra and neither does Logan. Do you think you could help the students?"

Poultice smiled and I knew that this would do wonders for his confidence. "Sure," he yipped as he darted forward and flapped his wings. He landed on the desk and looked at the students. He grasped a pencil between one of his claws and began helping the nearest students with their algebraic expression.

I turned and darted into the hallway, ready to stop Clutch before he did anything to my pups.

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