Figuring Out The Plan

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I flew after Logan and I wasn't even sure how long I was going at it. My wings started to fatigue and to my relief Logan parked the motorcycle at the side of the woods. He stepped off and looked to me.

"Ready," he asked quizzically.

I gulped and gave a small nod. Of course I wasn't ready but I wasn't about to admit it. I bunched my muscles and followed Logan into the forest with my muzzle turned upward. I sniffed the air and detected the smell of mutants. It was strong and the other mutants were hungry for battle.

I padded through the undergrowth and thanks to my Wolvy heritage I was able to pad over the leaves and twigs without making a sound. Logan was just as quiet which was surprising but I just continued forward and saw a mutant wolf. It's eyes were bright blue, almost too blue for a wolf. It's pelt was light brown with black hints.

Suddenly another mutant stepped out and shot two bone arrows at Logan and I. I ducked in time and the bone whizzed between my ears. I took in a deep breath in shock and looked to Logan. He fell harshly with the bone arrow embedded in his shoulder. His face seemed to scrunch in pain but I knew that he would heal.

I pushed myself to my paws and exploded toward the wolf mutant. I leaped into the air and brought my full weight on the wolf's shoulder and tried to pin him down. However he was stronger than I first anticipated and when I tired to pin him down he twisted quickly and threw me against the ground.

He bared his teeth before he sunk it into my throat and blood wheeled out. I yowled in agony and churned my paws against his underbelly. His eyes glowed to almost a deep blue now and I felt my head begin to swim. I could focus on anything and every blow I dealt toward him missed since I was beginning to hallucinate.

I saw my mate in front of me, calling for help. When I turned my head I saw Murk being pushed into a corner by mutant haters. They pointed a gun at her and pulled the trigger. I then heard the sound of wail and I realized that it had come from Tony. When I twisted my head I saw him crouched over a beautiful silvery white she-wolf. He looked a whole lot younger and definitely far more attractive than he was now. However now he was grieving for a wolf who I suspected was my mother.

My head now began to swim and I felt like everything was a myth around me. I felt no pain as the wolf sunk his fangs deeper and deeper into my throat and more blood pooled around around me. I was struggling to breath yet I didn't feel any pain. I knew I had to shake out of it but I was struggling.

"Succumb," the wolf whispered in my ear and his voice sounded almost raspy as if he was wearing a collar that was choking him. "Succumb to the inevitable."

"Never!" I felt a new wave of determination swell through me. I exploded upward and he tumbled off of me. He rolled into a tree but was quickly on his paws again, shaking his head madly. He snarled and charged after me, his fur spiking in rage.

He was still making my head fuzzing and the hallucinations were only getting stronger. His eyes changed with each new hallucination so I knew what I had to do. I closed my own eyes since I knew I couldn't trust them. My sense of smell was better than my sense of sight anyway. I surged forward and rammed my head into his chest.

He reared on his hind legs and bit and fell on his back, jolting. I took that opportunity and leaped on his body, pinning him down. I clawed at his stomach and blood streamed out. He didn't have a healing property like me but now he probably wished he did. He howled and thrashed under me but this time he was at my mercy. Now with my neck healed I felt new power surge into my muscles.

I raised a paw and extended my extremely long and powerful claws. I slashed them over his closed eye and managed to pull them from his head. It was excruciating and I slashed through the nerves that kept them attached to the head. The two eyes rolled on the ground beside me and I couldn't help but let out a howl of glee. How despicable was I?

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