Thorns Can Beat A Clutch

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"Step aside runt," snarled a voice and my blood ran cold once I realized it was Clutch. He was threatening my pups!

"Leave Thyme alone," snapped Reed and by the shuffling of his paws I knew that he stepped in front of Thyme to protect him.

"Or what," muttered Clutch as I heard his teeth clicking against each other. "Or you'll call your mommy and your daddy. Look little pests not all of us have the luxury of parents."

"Yeah well you're parents were probably glad that they gave you up. They would have hated you if they would have kept you around," spat Avery and I swore into my chest fur. This wasn't going to end good and there was no way I was going to get there in time to stop the fight if Clutch lunged.

I heard the yowl and I imagined Clutch surging through the air and coming down hard on Reed. I heard an ear splitting wail and I yowled in terror. I darted to Storm's room and I looked over my shoulder to see Storm rushing toward me.

"I just went to the bathroom and I heard the commotion," she gaped before she opened the door and I darted in, my muscles rippling, ready for a fight.

My eyes widened in shock as I saw Clutch tied to the ground, with thorns and vines. I looked over to Reed who had his paws up, trying to defend his face. I noticed that small burrs had sprouted from his pads and I frowned.

"Help," cried Clutch as he twisted and tried to break himself out of the thorns' grasp. Blood dripped onto the ground and I snarled with my teeth clicking.

"Stop moving," I snarled as I lowered my head and sunk my teeth into the vine and tugged. "The more you move the more that this thorns will cut into your pelt."

To my surprise Clutch relaxed a bit and I managed to tug the thorns from his pelt. I threw the thorns aside and narrowed my eyes at Clutch. "Now if you don't want me to tell the Professor about this you better get the heck out of this room." I pointed my muzzle toward the door and Clutch and his friends snuck out of the room with me snarling behind them. "That's right. Keep going!"

"Momma did you see that," asked Avery as he looked up to me with awed eyes. "Did you see what Reed just did?"

My mouth felt dry. It seemed like every day one of my pups was discovering their mutant power. It was a bit overwhelming. "Er no I didn't see but I saw the aftermath," I murmured as I looked to Storm with round eyes.

"How about we let your mother and Reed alone for a little bit," suggested Storm quickly as she tried to usher my other three pups out of the room. Luckily they didn't argue and once they left I turned to Reed.

"Reed," I murmured gently. "Reed are you alright?"

Reed looked up at me and gulped. "What just happened mom," he asked as if he didn't know who I was. "I didn't want that to happen."

"I know you didn't," I sympathized as I drew him near and licked him between the ears. "What were you thinking when it happened?"

He growled a bit. "I wanted to hurt him! He was trying to hurt my sister."

"So you were thinking about hurting Clutch," I murmured but only half to myself.

Reed sighed. "Yes. Am I in trouble?" He tilted his head a bit in terror.

I shook my head before I urged him close. "No of course not. He was going to hurt your sister and I'm so glad that you stood up for her." I thumped my tail against the ground. "Well congratulations Reed, you are now like your brother and sister."

"I'm a mutant," he asked as he looked at his paws. "What can I do?"

"If I had to guess I think that you can control plants," I murmured as I looked at the thorn vine that still littered the ground.

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