Awkward Situations

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I pushed into Bobby's room and saw my pups bounding around. Rogue was sitting on the floor with them and they leaped around her but she was sure not to touch them. She watched them leap and dart around her.

"Hey Starlight," Bobby exclaimed as he stood up from his bed and strode over to me. "I thought you'd be longer."

I shook my head. "Finished early." I looked to Thyme who peeked out from my legs and darted into the wresting with her littermates. Excitement shone on her face as she barreled into Avery, throwing him sideways. "So how were they?"

"Great," Rogue told me as I sat beside her and liked a paw before I ran it across my muzzle. "They have a lot of energy though."

I smiled in amusement. "Yes they do and trust me I don't think they'll ever tire," I joked as I rolled my eyes.

"So what were you doing with Thyme," inquired Rogue as she leaned forward. Her eye gleamed in interest and I lashed my tail a bit.

I licked my lips. "Just talking and spending some mother daughter bonding time. She is very shy and I think that this meant a lot to her."

Rogue nodded in understanding. "When do you'll think you'll be back as a teacher," Bobby asked as he sat on the floor before he made a small ice cub and Reed began to chase it. He leaped on it but he slipped on it and Murk gained the lead in chasing it with Avery and Thyme tumbling after her.

I looked to my pups. "As soon as they start school here," I replied as I watched them bound around and play. They were so innocent and I wished that they could always be this way. "Which should be in about a moon."

"Are any of them mutants," whispered Rogue but something told me that she may have already heard. Clutch! He probably said something to his friends and it was told to more and more students. Rumors traveled faster than a wolf running from a hunter in this school which was the only thing I didn't like.

I plastered my ears against my head, wondering what I should say. However suddenly I heard a yelp come from Thyme and I spiraled around to face them. I surged forward and looked around madly. I only saw three of my pups though. I couldn't find Avery!

"What happened," Bobby asked as he sprang to his feet, ready for action.

Rogue was at his side and she also realized that there were only three pups. She tugged at Bobby's shoulder roughly and her eyes rounded in shock. "Where's Avery," she gasped as she kneeled down and stretched out one of her hands timidly. Luckily she had on gloves so when she touched Reed to try and calm him down her powers didn't effect him.

"I don't know," confessed Murk as her fur spiked. "He was here one heartbeat, gone the next.

I frowned in confusion. He couldn't have left the room since the door was closed. That narrowed my search a bit but I still had no idea where in the room I could search. "Now let's be calm," I chided the pups gently as I lashed my tail. My pups suddenly sat and looked up at me, excited that I would be able to tell them what to do. "He couldn't have left the room which means he has to be in here."

"What should we do," asked Reed as her tail curled over her back. "Just call his name and see if he answers?"

I shrugged and tipped my head a bit. "Sure I suppose we can try that. Avery! Avery answer me!"

"Avery," called Thyme as she reared on her hind legs and howled for her brother.

Reed darted under Bobby's bead and bristled his fur. "AVERY!"

"He's not deaf," snapped Murk as she plastered her ears against her head and bared her teeth in a snarl. "Avery. Avery where did you do?"

"Avery," called both Bobby and Rouge as they looked in higher places. Avery had wings like the rest of his littermates but I doubted if he knew how to fly.

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