Starfire's Nightmares

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I felt something sink it's claws into my shoulder and jolt me awake. When I opened up my eyes I gasped in shock as a I saw a large amber colored wolf standing in front of me. I yelped in shock as the wolf threw her muzzle and inch from mine and smiled sinisterly.

"Get away from me," I snarled as saliva dripped from my mouth.

"And why should I," hissed the amber colored she-wolf in such a raspy and wheezy tone that I could barely understand her.

I extended my claws and with a yowl I sprang forward. Her claws were wrenched from my shoulders but they quickly healed. However this new wolf couldn't heal herself. However once I thrust her to the ground I saw her muscles begin to bunch. Those weren't the muscles that she was getting ready to use though.

Now my muzzle was an inch away from hers. She opened her muzzle and let out a breath and bright red gas sprayed from her mouth. I breathed it in and I struggled to breath. I gasped and leaped off of the amber colored she-wolf, sputtering and gasping. I felt like my lungs were imploding on themselves and I felt like I was dying.

The she-wolf suddenly darted forward and a large spike emerged from her foreleg. She jabbed it in my stomach and I gasped in pain, even more pain than I was already in. It would heal but only when she released me. I was having trouble breathing as it is and now that this she-wolf had stabbed me with her strange spike it was even worse.

"Sinister! Leave her be!"

The amber she-wolf turned and bared her teeth in a snarl. "Runic I can finish her off," the she-wolf argued with gleaming eyes. "It's the least I can do."

"Sinister," repeated the voice I knew as my father or Tony. I turned my head and saw him standing on a rock with his black fur bristling and his pale yellow eyes as cold as ever.

"Fine," growled Sinister as she retracted her spike and shook her head a bit. I began to heal and I finally started to feel the pressure in my lungs start to lift. When I looked up again I saw her dart toward Tony and stand beside him like his parter and a growl rolled in my throat. That's where my mother should have stood!

"There is no reason to fret," assured Tony as he darted toward me. "She is not my mate and never will be. She's just a friend."

"Friend who was trying to kill your daughter," I spat as I rose to my paws and let my fur bristle. "What's her mutant power anyway?"

Tony blinked his eyes. "She has poisonous gas that can cause brief vision loss and tightness in the chest. It slows down her enemies quickly. However for close range fighting she has that spike that comes out of her foreleg."

I tilted my head before I licked my chomps. "So why did you bring me here," I asked as I lashed my tail against the ground, debating whether of not to attack. "Don't think I won't kill you if you lie."

He looked at me calmly. "I came here to warn you," he replied as he scrunched up his muzzle a bit as if he hated the idea of him trying to help me.

"Warn me of what," I asked, suddenly interested. I knew that my father wouldn't call me here just to waste my time.

"Of a battle," replied my father as he prowled around me. "And Erik will be the one leading it."

"Why are you warning me," I asked as I shoved my ears forward. "You never cared about me before so why start now?"

Tony's eyes hardened. "You have pups now," he growled lowly. "I don't want you to have to make the same mistakes I did."

"How did you know about them," I asked as I looked around madly, wondering if he spied on me and my family.

Tony let out a laugh. "This is a dream Starlight. I know everything."

I gasped and jerked awake, sweat making my pelt feel damp and clumped. I looked around madly and saw my pups still sleeping. Thruster was still sleeping beside me and I realized that I had been sent a nightmare from Starfire. Now I had the problem of wondering whether there was any truth in my dream. Was Erik really going to wage a war against us? If he was would there be any way for me to protect my pups?

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