Training Pups

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"Control," I chided as I ducked my head as a tree disbanded over me and came back together a few paces away from me and I gasped in shock. "Try control Feldspar."

"Sorry," gasped Feldspar as he shuffled his paws. "I wasn't trying. I'm having trouble concentrating."

I frowned and dipped my head. "I understand Feldspar but you must be careful. These woods are open to everyone."

"Everyone," echoed Echo as she bounded toward me, her ears twitching, alerting that she had been listening in. "Starlight it's only a few heartbeats flight from the mansion. No one comes here."

"Well they might," I chided as I cuffed her ear.

Echo shrugged before she bounded toward a tree. "Keen! Keen! Where did you go?" She curled around a tree. "He was just here."

I snorted in amusement before I turned to Poultice who was lowered down on the grass. He was focusing on a blade of grass and confusion lit on my face. "Er what are you doing Poultice," I asked as I lowered down beside him and looked to where he was looking. I didn't see anything and wondered if his telepathy extended to speaking to plants.

"Reading Asphalt's mind," he answered casually and I shrugged. Of course he was. How could I be so stupid?

"He's not here," I pointed out as I looked around, right?

Poultice snorted. "No he's not. He's on his way to a lab I believe. Him and Hank are going to meet a very important mutant."

"Did you see him off," I asked as I rose to my paws and shook my pelt.

He nodded. "Yeah I said good-bye to him in the morning before here. Now I just want to make sure that he's having a safe journey."

I smiled and licked his ear, not able to look past the scar on his eye. It was clearing up after a dressing that Thruster had put on in the morning but it still looked like it hurt. "How are you doing?"

Poultice shook his head a bit. "I'm fine. I probably deserved it."

A growl rolled in the back of my throat. "You never deserved it! Don't justify what he did with that you deserved it. He is sick if he likes doing this to you."

Poultice hung his head, his fur plastered against his side. "It's fine Starlight. I can take care of it, don't worry." Before I could say anything else he turned and bolted toward a small dark brown wolf named Blister and a larger silver and white she-wolf named Frostbite. He rumbled in amusement and smiled at them. He always made those who seemed to be on the outskirts a bit feel welcome. That was being a good leader. Poultice was going to go far one day, I could see it.

"Starlight could I ask you a question," asked Smokestream as he motioned me toward a small stream.

I smiled and strode forward, my tail wagging. "Yes Smokestream," I asked as I padded beside him and pawed at the ground. "What do you need?"

Smokestream shuffled his paws. "I was wondering if you could help me with my powers," he asked hopefully.

I wagged my tail. "Of course! What would you like me to do?"

"Just stay still," he replied as he focused on the ground harshly. His eyes glowed and smoke rose from the ground and began to engulf me. I began coughing which turned into a full blown hacking fit.

"Alright, Smokestream!" I howled above the agony that clawed at my throat from the smoke.

Smokestream took the smoke away and I waved my paw in front of my face. "That's pretty good," I choked out. "A little heavy on the smoke though."

Smokestream shook his head. "It has to be like that," he pointed out. "I don't want the enemy to be able to see or breath. I'm just having trouble concentrating it to a certain area."

"Well you looked pretty good to me," I pointed out before I looked to see Poultice standing, concentrating hard.

"Er I'll be right back," I barked as I turned and bounded toward Poultice. I sat beside him and looked at him in confusion. "Poultice is something wrong?"

Poultice looked to me and shook his head. "No. I'm trying to read minds at the students back at the school."

"And how's that working out for you," I asked in amusement.

He shrugged. "I don't think I'm strong enough yet, not like the Professor."

"You're not going to be for a while," I rumbled in amusement as I licked him between the ears. "But one day you will be!"

"I don't know about that," Poultice barked shyly as he rubbed a paw against the fur between his ears in embarrassment. "But I can dream, can't I?"

"Dream," scoffed a voice and I growled. "Isn't dreaming for pups. Oh I forgot, you are a pup!"

"That's enough Clutch," I snapped, not forgetting what he had done to Poultice. "We don't tolerate bullies here."

Clutch rolled his eyes. "Well Poultice if you ever want to see a real mutant, let me know." He turned with his followers trailing.

I snarled and saw Poultice's ears plastered against his head. "Don't listen to them Poultice," I barked as I nuzzled him.

He pushed me away and growled. "I'm tried of them doing these things to me," he growled hotly. "But the Professor says that violence isn't the answer, is it?"

I shook my head. "No it's not." I wasn't the best one to say that violence wasn't the answer. Logan and I were prone to violence. "There are other ways."

"Can you tell me those ways," begged Poultice as he lashed his tail. "Because I need to do something because singing isn't the best option. I'm not in glee club!"

I chuckled. "I know. Just talk to the Professor and he'll probably have better advice than me." I extended my strangely long claws. "I'd shut him up."

Poultice smiled and I let out a howl. "Alright it's time to go back. Your classes start in ten minutes."

The pups groaned as they bounded back to me. I waved my tail and spread my wings. "Follow me. We don't want to be late."

I took to the air with the pups following. We flew through the air and Poultice flew the close to me. "What's on the agenda tomorrow?"

I thought for a heartbeat. "Danger room. I think you are all ready.'

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