I Want To Be Alone

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It was about a rotation later and not a lot had happened. Clutch hadn't been in class and I couldn't admit that I was thrilled. Class had gone smoothly and everyone was getting along. We had a few mock battles with powers and the class seemed to grasp the concept of mercy.

However today I knew was the day that my pups would be born. I was walking down the hallway when I finally felt a sudden sharp pain in my stomach. I lurched down and my face twisted. I groaned and Echo darted to my side, her eyes widened in fear.

"Starlight," gasped Echo as her tail tip twitched. "Are you alright?"

I shook my head and panted madly. "Can you get Thruster and tell me I'm in his office," I growled through gritted teeth.

Echo darted backward as her body tensed up. I growled and she bristled her fur before she bolted toward the Professor's office. Once she was gone I began to drag myself forward. My whole body seemed to ache from my tail to my ear tips. I managed to claw myself forward and I emerged into Thruster's office. I whimpered in pain and I sprawled out onto the floor.

I heard paws thundering toward the room. I wasn't comfortable with Thruster seeing me like this so I quickly shut the door and locked it. Thruster's paws collided with the door and he snarled. "Starlight?! Are you in there?"

"Yes," I rasped as I lapped at my underbelly. "I'm alright I just wanted you to know that the pups were coming."

"Now," wailed Thruster as he began to whimper and he bounced around the hallway a bit and his body collided with the door. "It can't be now! Let me in so I can help!"

"I'm fine," I assured as I clenched my teeth to try and numb the pain but it wasn't working. "It's natural to give birth and she-wolves don't usually do it with the help of toms."

"But I'm your mate," argued Thruster as his bark turned to another cry. "And a healer! Please Starlight."

A wave of pain surged through my underbelly and I struggled not to wail aloud. "I'm alright," I lied as sweat began to steam down my pelt. "I just need some privacy. I'll send someone when I want you to come in!"

Thruster still seemed reluctant but he didn't argue. He grumbled before he took a step back and whimpered. "Alright but if you need anything call me!"

"I will," I called back as I rested my head on the ground and felt another contraction rush through me. I bit my tongue and closed my eyes. "Please little ones help your mother. This is going to be painful."

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