Grand Tour

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I strode down the hallway with my pups at my side. They gasped in awe. I was giving them the grand tour of the mansion. They had really only seen one level. I wasn't going to show them the X-Men and X-Pack level where all of the business taken care of. They didn't need to know about what the X-Men and X-Pack did beside attend school.

"And over here is where most of the students sleep," I murmured as I waved my head. "They sleep at the opposite side of the teachers so that the teachers can keep an eye on the students."

"Why do we sleep at the teacher's side," asked Reed as he puffed out his tail so that it looked like a pinecone.

"Because you're not students yet," I pointed out as I cuffed his ear. "You're still pups. However when you're ready to attend school you'll move to this side and probably have a roommate."

"Cool," breathed Murk as she danced on her paws and wove between my legs, nearly tripping me. "I hope that my roommate likes me."

"I'm sure they will," I barked as I nudged Murk's rump forward. "It'll probably be a human mutant though. Wolves aren't grouped together since you have to have a companion."

They all nodded before I continued forward and down some stairs. My pups followed but they hadn't gone down stairs yet. They tumbled down a bit and I had to make sure no one fell on their heads. I made sure that no one ran and once I was sure they were steady I allowed them to travel ahead of me. Once we finished with the awful obstacle that was the stairs I veered to the right.

"Here are more classrooms," I explained as I allowed them to peek their heads in. "There are a lot of students and soon some of those students will start to teach."

"Why do they stay here and not leave," asked Avery as he leaped for Murk's tail. Murk was faster though and she darted toward Thyme and stuck her tongue out at her brother.

"Because they want to be X-Men fishbrain," snapped Thyme as she rolled her eyes. "Obviously being an X-Men or X-Pack member is more important to them than leaving and making a life for them selves."

"Like you momma," asked Reed as he turned to me with gleaming eyes.

I rumbled in amusement. "Very true Reed. Your father and I wanted to stay here to help other mutants and we are the leaders of the X-Pack."

My pups breathed in awe and I smiled. "Now come on," I barked as I lifted a paw and pointed down another hallway that led to the outside. It was a different section than where I usually took the pups outside. This was a calmer area where I knew that Poultice, Keen, Echo, and Feldspar usually ate lunch.

"Are you going to show us the danger room," asked Avery hopefully as he darted in front of me and I halted abruptly.

"How do you know about the danger room," I asked and I couldn't help my tail from lashing.

"B-Bobby told us," stammered Reed as he took a step back. "He says that he practices with other students. It's in the under levels though."

"What, like the basement," asked Murk as she wrinkled her nose in disgust.

"No it's much cooler than the basement," cut in Thyme as she looked at her brother with gleaming eyes. "Rogue told me about the room."

I let out a sigh. "True but we can't go down there," I told them sternly as I steered them back toward the stairs. "Now come on. That's enough exploring for now."

"Come on momma we want to see the danger room," yipped Murk as she nipped at my paws. I growled sternly and pushed Murk forward.

"When you're older," I chided although I knew that it would be a while before I allowed them into the X-Men part of the mansion. That was for X-Men and X-Pack members only and they weren't.

"But that will be along time," grumbled Avery as he spread his wings and flew to the top. I did have to admit that all of my pups were getting the handle on flying. That was good.

"Yes but then when you get there it will be sweeter," I murmured before I heard the bell for lunch ring. "Now how about you four go get something to eat. It's lasagna today and I hear that those incredible rolls were made."

Reed's eyes widened in happiness. "Then let's go! I want to get there before all of the double meat pieces are taken!"

"Wait for me," called Murk as she surged forward. She wasn't about to let her brother steal all of the lasagna.

Thyme smiled at Avery and wagged her tail. "Come on. Maybe we'll get the vegetarian half if they even leave that much," she teased warmly to her brother.

Avery's eyes twinkled evilly. "We could freeze them, just for a few heartbeats," he suggested as he touched his nose to Thyme's ear. "Then we may actually have something to eat.

Thyme shook her head. "I couldn't do that to my littermates." Avery nodded in understanding before Thyme lowered down and wiggled her haunches. "Now come on. Let's see if we can out fly them!"

She spread her wings and took to the air, a bit shaky. She regained her confidence though and surged forward, air churning under her wings. "Are you coming Avery?"

Avery nodded vigorously and leaped into the air, spreading his wings. He then flew forward and surpassed Thyme. She chuckled and continued forward. I watched them and my tail wagged.

"Do you think they'll tackle each other for the lasagna?"

I turned my head but relaxed when I saw it was just Logan. "Logan you scared me," I barked, trying to sound angry. However I wasn't. I bounded to him and pushed against his leg and rumbled. "What are you doing here?"

"I was going to get lunch but I think your pups beat me to it. They're growing and hungry," he pointed out as he raised an eyebrow.

"You could survive on beer alone," I pointed out as I lashed my tail against Logan's leg.

Logan rolled his eyes. "Yes but the Professor won't allow me to drink it here."

"Wow that's so depressing," I taunted as I flapped my wings and flew to his eye level. I hated being looked down on.

Logan shot out a paw and ruffled my fur. "Well since none of us are going to be eating or drinking how about we go a round in the danger room," he offered.

I wagged my tail. "Sure! If you want to be thrown to the ground until you whimper for mercy," I whispered in his ear before I lowered to the ground and bunched my muscles. "First one who gets there gets to attack first!"

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