The Park

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It didn't take long before we reached the spot that I thought would be perfect for their first time out of the mansion.

"Alright this is it," I called to the front as Thruster and I began to lower down. Luckily the Professor was still on since I knew if he would have fallen the whole school would have had my throat in their mutant hands.

"But I don't see anything," argued Reed as he looked around madly.

"Just lower down," chided Thruster as he flapped his own wings. "Your mother knows what she's doing."

Reluctantly and surprisingly the pups began to lower down. Their wings began to bump one another but it didn't seem to slow them down. Once we were to an appropriate height I lowered my hind legs to the ground before I lowered my front paws. Thruster copied me before the pups did. The back of the sled came down gently as I would have hoped.

"That was awesome," breathed Echo as she leaped high in the air. Suddenly her harness became entangled on her paws and she fell to the ground. She growled in anger in embarrassment and looked around madly for help.

I snorted in amusement and unhooked my harness from my body. I then strode over to Echo and easily slipped off the harness. "I'd advise not getting overly enthusiastic when you're in the harness."

"Good idea," grumbled Echo as she broke from the harness and bounded over to Reed and Murk and helped them out of their harnesses. "So I know we're in a park. Is this our field trip?"

"Half of it," I replied as I helped Poultice and Thyme even though they really didn't need it.

The last was Avery but he got some help from Thyme. Once everyone was out of their harnesses I padded toward the Professor and helped his wheelchair from the sled.

"Thanks Starlight," murmured the Professor as he struggled to wheel forward on the grass but after a while the wheelchair seemed to adapt to the terrain.

I dipped my head before I heard the roar of Logan's motorcycle. Keen flew overhead and landed beside the Professor. "I've never flown that fast," grunted Keen as he shook his head to clear it.

"Are you complaining about my driving," asked Logan as he lit another cigar and I rolled my eyes.

"Er yeah," I grumbled before I kinked my tail over my back. "Now follow me. I want to show everyone something."

My pups seemed eager as well with Echo, Keen, and Poultice. Logan and the Professor seemed a bit hesitant but I was sure it was nervousness or excitement.

I led everyone forward. I looked around the park until I found a nice trail that was pavement and I knew that the Professor's wheelchair would work better on it. I veered onto the trail and strode forward before Thyme bolted between my legs.

"Where are we going," she whispered as she looked up at me.

"We're going to a very special place," I murmured back to her. "Now go stand with Poultice. You don't want him to get lonely."

She perked up and bounded back toward Poultice and the Professor. Once I was sure that she was behind me I pushed forward. I heard whispering behind me about where we were going but I just couldn't say anything. This was supposed to be a surprise since my pups deserved it.

"What is the surprise," called Murk as she reared on her hind legs and howled to me.

"You'll see," I chided over my shoulder as my tail puffed out twice it's normal size. "There's someone I want you to meet."

"Meet," echoed the Professor and I realized with a jolt I hadn't told them anything. I didn't want to. The one that I wanted them to meet was quite a risk. Logan would definitely not approve and I was pretty sure that the Professor wouldn't approve either. However this was mine and Thruster's decision and he had.

"Just stay behind me," I ordered as my tail lashed behind me. "I want to talk to them first. Can you stay here with your father?"

The pups nodded vigorously and their tails wagged in excitement. I stopped once I realized that the patch of forest was where I was supposed to meet the mystery one. "I'll be right back," I told them before I slipped into the forest with my fur slicked against my body. I couldn't tell what was going to happen but I knew that this was going to be rocky.

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