Loss Is The Hardest Pain

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I felt something sharp jab me in the flank. I darted to my paws with my fur bristling.

"What the heck," I spat as my eyes were beginning to adjust to the lack of light in the room.

I saw Logan standing in front of me and he suddenly retracted his claws. I looked to my flank and saw that the wound was beginning to close. I narrowed my eyes and turned to look at the window. The sun was just beginning to show but I didn't have to be up for at least another hour.

I pawed at my face. "What do you want Logan," I snapped as my tail lashed.

"It's Jean," he told me as he rushed toward the door. "She's gone!"

I sighed and bounded to the door. "Alright I suppose that means we're the ones who are going?"

He gave a nod and darted down the hallways. I supposed the no running rule didn't apply to him. I didn't care since I was running too. We leaped down the steps and I flew down. When I landed we padded toward the Professor's study.

The Professor seemed ready as if he was expecting her to leave the first chance she got. I wasn't sure why. I thought that she loved the school since she was a teacher but apparently not.

"Where do you think she went," I inquired as I twitched an ear.

The Professor looked to me. "I believe she went home." My eyes must have showed confusion so he empathized it. "Her childhood home."

I gave a slight not. "So I suppose that's where we're going," I barked before I saw Thruster appear behind the Professor and pad to me. He touched his nose to mine and we looked to the Professor.

"We have to," argued Logan as I saw the fear rising from him.

The Professor nodded and wheeled out of his office. I followed him with Thruster jogging after me. I padded Poultice in the hall and his eyes gleamed. "M-May I come?"

I thought about arguing how it could be dangerous but I knew that he wanted to prove himself. "Okay as long as you're careful."

Poultice brightened and bounded up to me. He weaved between my legs and I wondered why he was acting so friendly when yesterday I swore that he hated my guts.

"Are you feeling any better about Jean," I asked keenly although he would have to be considering that he was helping us find Jean he must be feeling better.

He shrugged. "I guess. I mean I wish it was Mirage who had come back to life but I can't do anything. I just want to help Jean now."

"I'm so glad you feel that way," I rumbled as I licked his cheek before he bounded forward and weaved a bit between Thruster's legs. Thruster rumbled and nudged Poultice back toward me. His eyes gleamed.

"Will we have to fight," he wondered and I couldn't tell if he wanted to or if he didn't.

I shook my head. "I don't believe so," I answered. At least I really hoped we wouldn't have to fight. However I couldn't promise him anything, especially since I didn't know what we would find with Jean.

"Come on," urged Logan and I could tell how anxious he was. I pulled ahead and hoped that we wouldn't encounter anything dangerous.


We arrived in a small neighborhood and I padded forward. I saw a lot of children playing with their friends and some with parents. I saw a Beagle playing with a small boy and I saw a hint of envy show in Poultice's eyes.

"It's okay," I chided as I licked his ear affectionately. "You'll have a better life than he ever will."

Poultice brightened and surged forward, his eyes lit in excitement. I wasn't exactly sure why tracking someone was so exciting for him but I wasn't about to judge. I sniffed the air and detected Jean's scent, enwrapped in terror and regret. However I scented a more disturbing scent, Tony.

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