Danger Room

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Sure enough Logan won but that was just because I let him if anyone asks. He opened the danger room and stepped in first. He turned it on and illusions began to turn to reality around us. Logan set it for one on one, me vs him.

"Are you ready Starlight," Logan asked as he twitched a hand, showing that he was ready for me to fight.

"I've never been more ready, Wolverine," I barked, thinking if I used his mutant name maybe it would rile him up a bit.

It didn't work though. He just began to prowl around me so I did the same. I kept my head lowered into my shoulders. I lashed my tail madly.

"I'm ready Starlight," he growled back before he tilted his head a bit. "You need a name in battle other than Starlight."

"I already have on," I answered quickly with a proud puff of my chest fur.

"Really," asked Logan. "Than what is it?"'

"Fang," I replied with a dip of my head. "Bobby and Rogue came up with it. They also came up with Inferno for Thruster and Sage for Poultice."

Logan nodded slowly. "That's great but a fancy name isn't going to be enough to save you from me," he pointed out as he looked down at his hands. His claws shot out and he let out an animal's growl.

I extended my own claws and let out a howl as I allowed my fur to bristle. I lost the race so Logan was to have the first offensive. He didn't take his time. With a yowl he shot his claws forward, right for my shoulder. I was ready though. I ducked sideways and sunk my fangs into his shoulder. I felt blood in my mouth and I raised a claw to do even more damage.

He wasn't about to let that happen though. He yanked his shoulder from my grasp and his wound healed and the taste of his blood in my mouth started to vanish down my throat. This time I took the offensive and I charged forward. I went for Logan's legs to knock him down a size but he was ready. He slashed a claw and it managed to graze half of my face. After a few heartbeats it healed and I launched myself back into the fight.

I spread my wings and flew through the air. I struck down a claw into Logan's back but he turned and kicked me in the chest. I yanked my claw from his chest and fell to the ground, snarling and panting. I darted forward again, my muscles rippling. I flung myself into the air again and this time I slammed into one of his knees. He crumbled to the ground suddenly. I leaped onto his shoulders and sunk my teeth into his neck. More blood oozed into my mouth and I wagged my tail in happiness.

Logan suddenly screeched and bolted upright. He shot both of his claws into my chest. I gasped in shock and he threw me aside. He rose to his feet and strode over to me. He pressed a foot on my ribs as if he was going to crush them. He looked around in victory before he looked down on me.

"You can't sleep for too long," he pointed out with jab at my ribs with his foot.

I lifted my head and coughed a bit. "I was pausing for dramatic effect," I barked with a dip of my head before I hauled myself to my paws. I shook out my fur and yawned. "You know I would have won if you wouldn't have sprung that surprise attack on me."

"Well I'll be sure to tell Tony that the best way to defeat you is to surprise you," Logan teased as he scratched me behind my ears.

"Alright I suppose I'm a little rusty. Pups can do that to you," I panted as I stretched out and heard my whole body seem to creak and crack.

"I wouldn't know," Logan taunted as he pushed my heavily. "I just know that you're a lot slower."

"Oh yeah?" I suddenly sprang for his chest. I hauled him to the ground and pushed his hands to the ground so that there was no way his claws could get me. He grunted as he looked at me.

"Are you going to let me up," he asked innocently.

I flicked my tail. "That would be the right thing to do, right?" I leaped off of him and began to groom my pelt. "I still have something up my paws."

"It just takes you a while to find it," joked Logan before he turned the danger room off and it looked like a large room with holograms. Once the holograms disappeared it just looked like an overly sized room that no one would ever use.

"Well thanks for the fight," I barked as I retracted my claws a bit. "It was wonderful! A nice challenge."

Logan took out a cigar and lit it before he place it in his mouth. "Not really a challenge for me but you can tell yourself that to make yourself feel better."

I rolled my eyes and darted forward, nearly making him drop his cigar. "Whatever. Well I better get going. Lunch won't last forever."

"Perhaps I could help you watch them," offered Logan as he puffed out smoke from his mouth.

I wrinkled my nose. "I'm not sure about this Logan," I confessed as I bit my tongue. "I mean you don't really have a great record with children let alone pups."

"What you want me to be more responsible," he asked as he looked down on me with sharp eyes.

I shrugged. "Yeah among other things." I flapped my wings and thrust a paw close to Logan's face. I grasped the cigar between my claws and threw it on the ground before I squashed it with my paw.

"Hey why did you do that," snapped Logan as he gazed at what used to be his cigar. Not it looked like ash.

"Because if you're going to go anywhere near my pups you will not be smoking," I snarled before I looked up at him sternly. "No language!" He raised an eyebrow and I sighed. "No swearing. No words that would be a bad influence on them. Don't say anything about Tony or Erik or about humans not liking mutants."

"Can I show them these?" He stuck out his claws and I sighed.

"Fine but no fighting with them. They can't heal like I can," I muttered as I puffed my fur as I strode toward the entrance of the danger room. "Now don't make me regret this."

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