Dangerous Mission

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I rushed back into the thick of battle with my fangs bared. I leaped into the air with my wings spread and landed on a wolf, bringing him to the ground. His neck snapped open easily and I left him. I turned to another wolf and he breathed a breath full of strange smelling liquid. It made my eyes itch and I was blinded momentarily.

When I lowered down and pawed at my eyes Redscar suddenly exploded beside me and took the wolf down, slashing a claw against the wolf's eyes. The wolf wailed and then Redscar threw him against the ground, killing him from the impact.

"Thanks," I muttered as my eyes suddenly began to focus.

I then turned back into battle and realized I couldn't find Echo. I saw Logan fighting and darted to his side. I reared on my hind legs and sunk my front claws into a human mutant as he charged toward Logan. Blood oozed from the wound and I threw the mutant aside easily.

"Have you seen Echo," I asked as a small nick on my flank began to heal.

Logan took in a labored breath and went to stab his claws into another mutant as he darted forward. He then threw the mutant aside easily and I took down another one with excitement gleaming in my eyes.

"She went in to the lab with Kitty," replied Logan and my eyes widened.

"With that Juggernaut," I cried. Everyone had seen him darting into the building. I couldn't believe he had let them both go in. "Why did you let them go?!"

"I didn't," grunted Logan as he threw his claws into more mutants and with my help we took them down. "They went in by themselves."

"Great," I panted as I backed up a bit, panting.

I suddenly heard a cry and turned my head to see Asphalt. He was being suspended from the large building and his wings looked ripped and soaked in blood. He let out a shriek of pain as he continued to slip as a wolf grasped his claws into Asphalt's paws.

"Asphalt," I howled as I spread my wings and flew up on the building. I snarled and the wolf holding Asphalt turned to face me. He bared his teeth in a snarl and lashed his tail.

"Stay away from me Starlight," spat the wolf as the fur along his spine bristled.

My blood instantly went cold. "How do you know my name," I asked as I straightened my posture, horribly aware that Asphalt was probably in immense pain, hanging from the building the way he was with those wolf's infected claws sinking ever so deeply into his paws.

The wolf snickered and blood dripped from his teeth onto Asphalt's head. "I knew your mother and father very well, Starlight. Of course I should have. I knew all of you very well."

He then looked down to Asphalt who was grunting in effort at just raising his head over the top of the building. The wolf snarled down at him and Asphalt hunkered down even more, his eyes lit in agony.

"L-Let m-m-me go, Ripple," ordered Asphalt but he really was in no position to give commands. This wolf, Ripple, had the upperpaw and he was not about to let Asphalt have any ground.

Ripple snapped his jaws dangerously close to Asphalt's ear and Asphalt inclined his head backwards still. He yelped as Ripple lifted up on Asphalt's paw a bit and he nearly fell. However Ripple caught him and Asphalt closed his eyes, relief flooding through him for a brief moment.

"You heard him," I repeated in a more powerful tone that Asphalt was just not able to attain with his stutter. "Let him go."

"Why should I do that," asked Ripple as his tail lashed against the building and he used it to shower grit on Asphalt's head. Asphalt pushed his forehead against the side of the building and held his breath. "You don't know him like I do."

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