Was This a Mistake?

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I stepped past the bush and into a small clearing. In front of me I saw the large, thick black furred male with pale yellow eyes. Wings were plastered against his body, showing that was now he had gotten there. His claws stretched out a bit and when he looked at me he probably expected me to lunge at him by now.

"Tony," I murmured with a dip of my head in respect. I hated doing this but Tony was my father and he deserved to be in the pups' lives. However Tony didn't know why I had asked him to meet him and he didn't know I had been expecting pups. That showed how little we communicated.

"Starlight," rasped Tony with his pale eyes gleaming. He licked his chomps and tensed his shoulders a bit. "I can't pretend that I'm not surprised that you asked to meet me here."

"Don't get used to it," I growled as I bared my teeth a bit, threatening that he not aggravate me today.

Tony lifted his head a bit and took in a grumbling breath. "I won't but why did you ask me to come here," Tony inquired as he curled his tail behind his legs.

I let out a harsh breath and strode closer toward them. "Thruster and I are mates as you know," I began and I saw Tony stiffen a bit.

"Yes I know," muttered Tony as his claws scraped the ground. "I know that I wasn't involved in your life but that doesn't mean I don't want what's best for you. Like it or not I do love you."

I shook my head vigorously. "That's not what I came here to discuss," I corrected sternly as I raised my head and looked up at my father to exchange eye contact. "I wanted you to meet someone and I want them to meet you."

"Them," echoed Tony in shock as his eyes widened a bit in surprise.

I shuffled my paws a bit before I summoned the strength to tell Tony who he was going to meet. "I gave birth to a litter of four pups."

"Pups," breathed Tony as he leaped backwards and his fur began to stand on end. "I can't believe it. I'm a grandfather and my Starlight is a mother!"

"Keep your voice down," I chided as I darted forward and snapped my jaws dangerously close to Tony's ear. He staggered sideways and shook his head to clear it. "They don't know you're here yet."

"How many are there," asked Tony as he peered over my shoulder and tried to see the pups.

I shouldered him back down and he thrust his his ears forward, expecting an answer. I stifled a sigh. "There are four. There's Thyme, Murk, Reed, a-and Avery."

"Avery," echoed Tony and tears seemed to spring to his eyes. "D-Did you name him after....after your mother?"

I nodded slowly. "Charles requested it," I explained. "I've also brought Poultice and Keen if you remember those and a new little pup named Echo. Charles and Logan are also here."

"Thank you so much for bringing them Starlight," murmured Tony as he wagged his tail.

"Do you promise to be on your best behavior," I inquired as I flicked my tail sternly to and fro. "You can't mention Erik or Mystique or any of your brotherhood. I don't want you to seem different to them and I don't want you telling them anything about us."

"What can I tell them," wondered Tony as he shot me a sideways look and I realized that I couldn't just have him not speak.

"Just say that you can't be at the mansion because you have another companion," I murmured sternly as I turned back toward the brush. "Okay?"

Tony nodded slowly and plastered my wings against my flank. I sighed and strode toward the brush, wondering how this would go down.

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