Worst enemies

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Elena's pov
"Amina Nahla Malik,lets go!Now!"I yelled for the fifth time.We we're suppose to leave at 04:30,it's 05:05
"Here I come."

"You two have everything?"They nodded yes,clearly no excitement to go with their dad for the week."Lets go then."

Two months ago Zayn and I spilt,mutual decision between us.Over the last 6 months we haven't been getting along and been drifting apart.The bickering back & forth became to much not only for us but for our girls.Neither of them are pleased that we aren't together.For a four & seven year old this is all they've seen.Mummy and Daddy are always together & loving each other.Not living in separate homes;going to Zayns every weekend & a day out of the week.
Unlike Zayn, I was raised around arguing,tension between my mum and dad,things being broken during fights.Over those years I grown to hate my mum,I don't want that for Amina & Naveen.

It's strange pulling up to our home where I don't cook dinner,watch Mina and Zayn draw together,spy on Navi playing in my make up.Over all being a family.

Mina rang the door bell."Who can this be?"Navi giggled."Us daddy!"

God can this man be even more handsome."Hi boo."Picking up Nav up."Hi Jaani."Kissing her cheek."I'll be back for them Sunday."

"Alright."I kissed Mina and Nav."Be good,I love you loads."

"Okay."Navi answered."You don't want to give daddy a kiss?"Mina put me on the hot spot."Not this time babe."Zayn butted in."Alright.Bye mummy."

"Bye sweetheart."

As I drove off I could see disappointment in my baby girls face.Dapping me face from the tears.Everything sucks.

Dani text me,saying she and Maisie to are coming over.Thank god they were.On there way now.

What can I not say about these two.Lets start with Dani.Mm she still dances her bum off.The list of people she dances for has gotten longer.
Though she did take a break after she had Paisley-Ann.Not saying she's on the road 24/7 tour with singers,she just wants to enjoy these moments with Pai since she's so young.Dani told us about her pregnancy two week into the WWA tour.Great mixture between Dani and Liam,without a doubt she has those curls like her mumma.Dani and Liam married three year ago.They got in engaged two months after I had Navi.Their wedding was definitely every girls dream wedding.

Now my Mai-Mai,she's opened her second art gallery.Its beautiful.Her life is put into those a pieces & it shows.She and Harry broke up for a brief moment due to distance.Maisie was based in New York for quite a bit.After that was over they got back together.We are all waiting for Harry to pop the question.Gemma might kill her brother if it doesn't happen soon.

Right as I sat down the door bell rang.Getting up to open the door to see my girls."Hi babes,come in."Kissing them both on the cheek."Like anything to drink?"

"Tea."They both answered.I nodded going into the kitchen to put the kittle on."Where are Mina and Navi?"Dani asked."They're with Zayn for the week."

"Going on the road as well?"Maisie asked. Zayn has been doing a few shows here and there with the guys. From what he told me ,he put some of his projects on hold to do this. Liam has a lot to do with Zayn agreeing to be apart of these shows.

"Yeah.They really missed him."Joining them back on the couch."Is it any awkward tension between you & Zayn?"Asked Dani.

"No surprisingly.I think it's because of the girls.We don't want them to feel that."

"With you two it's like when you're at your best it's incredible,no one can break you two but babe when you two are at your worst,you're like each other's worst enemies."Mai said making me cry.

"I know that's the sad part.Never in a million years did I think it will come to this."

"Aw babe,I think you two really need to find the root of the problem."

"What if that caused more problems?What if that completely destroys my family more then it is now?"I got up to fix their tea,they both followed.

"You can't go of the what ifs.That mind state will keep you here.Amina & Nav going back and forth between their parents."Dani said.That was the familiar speech Keev gave me when Mina & I moved in with Zayn.
Handing their tea.Changing the topic before I started streaming waterfalls.

"Hows Paisley?"Mai asked."She's good.Liam wanted her to stay in bed with him.Lazy bums."

"How did you Liam last so long?"I asked."Oh hun this wasn't no walk in the park for us.We've been through the break ups.Hardest times for us.To the point where we honestly didn't think we would make it."Why are they so cute?!And why can't Zayn and I fight for our love like they did!

"How did you guys get back together?"Mai questioned.

"New years Eve entering 2013.Chatted all night cried a bit kissed & when it hit midnight we promised each other no matter what anyone says we will make it."

"That has to be the cutest thing I've ever heard."Mai gushed over Dani's story as well as I did."You two have something worth fighting for."

After Maisie & Dani left,I took a long hot shower then came to bed.Its strange not having them in bed with me.My little cuddle buddies.

None of this is easy on me either,I miss Zayn.I just don't miss what caused us to get here.What Mai said was dead on right!When we argue things get so ugly.Between his temper and my smart sometimes rude mouth doesn't mix very well.That's one thing that has been the same for years and which led us to break up many many times.This time is different.Not only is Amina older and knows what's going on there's also Nav.

The simplest things made us argue.Zayn and the boys had a show in Scotland,Zayn wanted me to bring the girls.I was exhausted!Had a full day at the salon and many things just didn't go well that day.The last thing I wanted to do was get on a plane for seven hours then sit through a loud crowd when I had a throbbing migraine.With that being said.All hell broke loose when Zayn came home.We argued for four hours straight until I left.He called me a selfish bitch and I was done.

Slept down stairs then the next morning we had a civil conversation.
That led to us ending our relationship.
Im still upset I didn't get a apology for being called a selfish bitch.I don't tolerate being called names damn sure not by someone who I'm suppose to fell safe & loved by.Wish things didn't end that way.Together we could've done better.

Payzer feels?!?

No more Elena & Zayn8(
Does anyone know how to add photos on the side?

I need comments & opinions for the next chapter!Not asking for much.I promise I won't take weeks to update.

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