Chapter 84

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"What?!" I say.

"Please I'm not tryna start something but I just wanna know." He says.

"First of all, How'd you know?" I ask.

"I.. I um... Checked your phone last night when you fell asleep for like 10 minutes." He replies.

"Okay, I texted him to see if he was okay because yesterday I told him I didn't wanna be friends with him. I've tried to make it work but I can't. It's to hard because after dating him and going through all that I thought I could be his friend. But I can't." I sigh.

"But he cheated!!" He exclaims.

"Yeah but I was all he had. Him and his friends don't have the type of friendship where they talk about emotional stuff. I stayed friends with him to help him!!" I reply.

"So you're really just friends with him?" He asks.

"Yes!!" I exclaim.

"So you texted him last night because you were worried?" He repeats.

I nod and he continues, "Okay then what made you wanna text him?"

I shrug.

"Okay.. Then what was your dream about last night?" He asks

When I don't respond, Adym just stares at me.

I sigh, "You wouldn't understand."

"Really? I wouldn't understand?!" He exclaims.

"You don't know Dylan like I do!!" I say, putting my head down.

"I KNOW AND I'M GLAD!!" He yells.

"You don't know what he's been through." I say with a shaky voice.


"I gave you the truth." I reply.

"And your dream? What was it about?" He asks.

"Adym, If I tell you it's only gonna lead to a brick wall." I explain.

"Why?" He says.

"Because I can't tell you." I reply.

"Why can't you be honest? You're my girlfriend!" He says, putting his head in his hands.

"I'm sorry" I mumble, "I promised."

"You promised? Really? But you won't tell your boyfriend?! Wow." He says.

"Adym..." Is all I manage to say.

"Just tell me what is was about..." He begs.

"Fine." I sigh, "It was about.. About Dylan."

Adym looks at me, heartbroken, "I knew it."

"Adym no. It's not what you think-" I say.

"You were saying Dylan!! You were saying his name!!" He exclaims.

I feel tears go down my cheek, "Stop assuming I would hurt you Adym. There are actual good people in this world and if all you're gonna so is accuse them of things then you won't have any more good people around you. Dylan's dad is going on his 5th wife. Look, that's broken him and I've tried to help him!! He's gotten in so much trouble because of his parents! He didn't know how to react so he got in trouble! I had to help him adym."

Adym rolls his eyes, "Okay well-"

"I know your background" I interrupt, "But You haven't had 5 moms."

Adym looks at me, "He's ruining our relationship."

"I know. That's why I cut him off yesterday." I explain, "He was in my dream last night because he's had problems in his life. He said he couldn't live without me and i kept him stable. I'm worried about him. But I don't anymore. Adym it's working itself out. Nothing's going on okay? Why can't I have guy friends?"

Adym's jaw tightens, "Why can't I have an honest girlfriend?"

I glare at him, "Why can't I trust my boyfriend?"

"I'm trustworthy!!" He exclaims.

"Sure." I chuckle.

"Yeah" he says, crossing his arms.

"Fine." I reply, wiping my tears.

"Fine." He says.

Turning on my heel, I grab another backpack I have and head for the door. Walking outside, I go sit by the pool. Opening my backpack, I pull out my camera and look at it. I sigh, hurt and angry at Adym. Turning on the camera, I decide to record a video. Going on Instagram, tons of people want my advice so I decide to film a video about it.

*Youtube intro*

I smile, "Whats up everyone I'm back with another youtube video! So today I'll be giving advice to people. Okay so the first person that wants my advice says, "So I found out my boyfriend cheated on me. Idk what to do anymore I loved him so much.. He made me so happy but he did me so wrong.. Idk what to do."

Looking back at the camera, I think of my response, trying not to think about my argument with Adym, "I'm really sorry to hear that. Unfortunately, I know that feeling and it sucks. That just means he wasn't the one for you. You gotta go through the bad to get to the good. In the meantime, you should make yourself busy. Go hang out with friends and do fun things. You'll get through it, trust me."

After filming the video, I go on Instagram and scroll through my feed. Once I go on instagram, I go on YouTube and check out all my new subscribers. Checking my email, I see an email from YouTube talking about my YouTube channel. My channels gotten big enough so I'll now be getting paid for my YouTube videos. As I think about everything I try to block out the fight with Adym. If I'm getting a check, then I don't have to go to college to work.. But I wanna be able to have a stable job in case YouTube doesn't work out.. Everything's moving so fast... Suddenly, the door leading to our apartment building opens...


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