Chapter 2

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"Yeah I don't know where to start, How do you admit that your falling apart."

"What are you thinking about?" Ace questioned pulling me out of my own thoughts.

"Nothing to important." I responded looking away from the passing tree's.

"And what's that not to important thought of yours." Ace looked back at me with a smile.

I swear this family has sight and hearing like a hawk. They hear and see everything I do.

"Just trying to persuade my stomach to make it through the day with out making me throw up." I said throwing him a big grin.

"Funny but gross, but don't worry you'll make it through the day. Hopefully without throwing up." He chuckled.

"Yeah, what he said." Luca said trying to keep in a laugh.

My mind totally forgetting he was in the car with us.

I love these two goofs. They bring a smile on my face when I need it or laughter in my voice when I'm sad. They hide their emotions pretty well, but I've known them for a while and I can see through them pretty clearly.

But, right now I can't see a hint of nervousness. I can feel it, but their hiding it pretty well. Thier holding up pretty well. I know their doing it to keep me from breaking into a panic attack.

"I have a question." I spoke up, breaking the tensioned silence.

"And that is?" Luca answered me with a hint of nervousness in his voice.

There it is.

"Is the school big. Like you know the type of schools they have in the movies or is it small. What if I get lost or what if I end up in the wrong class or what if I embarrass myself. What if we just turn the car around and go back home. Yup, I think that's a good idea. Ace turn the car around." I continue blabbering.

"Luca!" Ace yelled slowing down the car a bit, trying to look back while driving.

"London. Stop. Look at me. Breath. Breath." Luca unbuckled his seat belt turning around in his seat as he continued to tell me to breath.

Wow. I need to calm down. This isn't the moment for this. Not right now.

Breath, London. Breath.

Hearing Luca's voice softly in the distance I tried to calm myself down. Breath, I repeated once more before finally calming down a bit.

"It's ok, nothing to serious. Just a little nervous break down. There's nothing to worry about London. Everything will be fine. Nothing bad is going to happen, I promise you." Luca calmly said.

The sound of his voice reminded me of when I was a little girl, waking up in Ace's arms from a nightmare, his calming voice telling me it was going to be ok.

"Are you good?" Luca softly asked.

"Yeah." I whispered to Luca knowing both him and Ace heard me clearly.

"To answer your questions. Yes the school is big. Only because both the high school and the towns most prized possession share the same campus. Aka the town college making campus big. But there's nothing to worry about. They're both separated making it easier for the attending kids. And no, you are not going to get lost or embarrass yourself. I'll be there with you the entire day. Just make sure to keep your phone on." Ace spoke up answering the forgotten questions I asked before my mini panic attack.

Panic attacks are commen for me. But, not in situations like this. I hate when they happen to tell myself the truth. They've been happening since I was a kid. They make me lose my thoughts and focus. Making me hyperventilate.

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